Republican Litzow is running against Trump, because 61% of 41st LD voters voted for Obama in 2012

I got a campaign flier in the mail, from the pro-charter school Stand for Children WA PAC. The flier shows 41st LD Republican State Senator Steve Litzow saying “Never Trump.” Another campaign flier calls Litzow a “progressive leader.” Litzow is trying to portray himself as a moderate, despite his being a loyal Republican, having voted…

Why women — especially older women — rule in Washington State

Out of the 4.6 million registered voters in Washington State, 2.4 million (51.9%) are female. Out of the 3.4 million active registered voters (meaning they’ve voted since 2012), 2.4 million (52.8%) are female. Women rule — or at least decide who rules — in Washington State. Furthermore, older people vote at much higher numbers than…

Do liberals suffer more than conservatives?

I finished Jonathan Franzen’s novel Freedom. All the relationships in the novel (between lovers, between parents and kids, between siblings, and between friends) were screwed up. People fought, competed, and betrayed each other. People yearned to be free of dysfunctional relationships. Franzen showed how dysfunction was passed down through generations. He described the struggles and…

Steve Litzow: Neck Deep in Debt to the Upper Class (95 second video)

According to, in the 2012 US House elections, 95% of the candidates that outspent their opponents won, and 1% of the donors contributed 68% of the campaign funding. In 2010, spending by Charles and David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity unseated Democrats Eric Oemig and Randy Gordon from the Washington State Senate in the 41st…