Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
[Editor’s note: I’m copying this here for your information. While I’m sympathetic to many of their grievances, I would have emphasized some different issues and would have phrased things differently. Where, if anywhere, are these protests heading? The Oct. 6 protest in D.C. is likely to be larger and better organized. How can we help…
How will you help the Wall Street and Oct 6 protesters?
The Wall Street protests are getting media attention. How will you help? What protests are planned for your community? On Thursday, Oct. 6 there’ll be a large protest in D.C., directed not just at Wall Street corruption but also at the out-of-control militarism and the general corruption and lack of accountability in our nation’s capital….
Well-made video of plans for Portland protest
Second General Assembly Meeting – Portland OR — cool music, instructions for protesters, how to get arrested This facebook page lists resources for occupiers. Occupy Worldwide: Occupy Washington (State): Occupy Seattle:
The American Fall: whither the Wall Street protest movement?
The protests on Wall Street and their coverage are long overdue. Combined with the upcoming Oct 6 protests in D.C. we may be on the verge of an American Fall akin to the Arab Spring. But where’s the movement heading? What leaders, if any, will guide the anger and energy into constructive change? Or will…
United Steel Workers support Wall Street protests
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 30, 2011 — Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW), North America’s largest industrial union with 1.2 million active and retired members, today issued the following statement in support of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement: “The United Steelworkers (USW) union stands in solidarity with and strongly supports Occupy Wall…
Obama in 2012
They are worse, but Obama has done a terrible job overall, protecting and aiding the GOP in their plan to continue imperialism and overturn the New Deal.
Are things bad enough yet?
With good reason, lots of people are really upset about what has happened to our country over the past decade: torture, war-mongering, corruption, willful mismanagement, election fraud, socialism for the rich, outsourcing of jobs and profits, increasing concentration of wealth, lack of accountability, suppression of scientific findings, prosecution of innocent people … you name it….
Quickie: Great, disturbing coverage (of the coverage) of the Wall Street protests
Some Breaks in the Blackout of Wall Street Protests
Remember when?
Source: unknown