Seattle Town Hall Saturday 5 pm: Lawrence Lessig, "The Corruption of Congress" and …

Saturday, October 22nd – 5 PM. Lawrence Lessig, “The Corruption of Congress” Seattle Town Hall (downstairs hall; entrance on Seneca). 1119 – 8th Ave, Seattle 98101 (8th & Seneca) (tickets $5 – in advance or at the door) Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig is nationally acclaimed for speaking out in favor of campaign finance reform,…

A catchy symbol for the Occupy movement

The Occupy movement should adopt an easily recognizable, catchy symbol — such as a red/white/blue ribbon with “99%”. It can then be displayed everywhere: on trees, hanging from overpasses, etc. Another idea: a tricorne hat (three-cornered hat), with the three corners being peace, fairness (fair taxation, economic justice), and good government (an end to corruption),…

Rallies statewide, phone calls to Senator Murray to end Big Oil subsidies

Today, 14 U.S. Senators called on the Congressional Super Committee to end subsidies for Big Oil. This is our chance to end this outrageous program.  We need Sen. Patty Murray to make this issue a priority on the Committee. Join Environment Washington at a rally this week to show Sen. Patty Murray strong public support…

Powerful political cartoons Click through the photos. Some are very clever.  

50,000,000 strong, human megaphone: End the wars! Stop the corruption! Stop socialism for the rich and austerity for everyone else!

Tens of millions of Americans are fed up with the immoral war-mongering, the torture, the rampant corruption, the fixed elections, the handouts to the super-rich, the mismanagement, the outsourcing of jobs and profits, the lack of accountability, the reckless deregulation, the dismantling of the social safety net, and the increasing concentration of wealth. The 99%…