Bernie Sanders sums it up

“In negotiation after negotiation, the Democrats continue to give the Republicans almost everything they want.  Despite the fact that our deficit problems were caused by the greed on Wall Street which led to the current horrendous recession, huge tax breaks for the rich and two un-paid for wars, the President and the Democrats have gone…

Protect them, then blame them

President Obama wants to blame the Republicans for his inability to pass progressive legislation. Indeed the Republicans are bad news. But Obama bent over backwards to protect Republicans and their corporate allies from accountability for their many crimes. Rather than fight them, he coddled them, surrounded himself with Wall Street executives and Bush holdovers, and…

House parties on Wed Nov 9 to overturn Citizens United

Free Speech for People, Public Citizen, Move to Amend, People for the American Way, and Common Caucus are jointly sponsoring house parties on Wednesday, November 9th, to work on the campaign for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.  The parties will feature a nationwide conference call with U.S. Senator Bernie…

Letter from Oakland Police Officers' Association An Open Letter to the Citizens of Oakland from the Oakland Police Officers’ Association 1 November 2011 – Oakland, Ca. We represent the 645 police officers who work hard every day to protect the citizens of Oakland. We, too, are the 99% fighting for better working conditions, fair treatment and the ability to provide…

Occupy Philly calls for Constitutional Amendment

From the General Aseembly in Philly last night Below is the proposal passed last night by overwhelming majority. PLEASE PASS IT ON. Changes made from 10/30/11 General Assembly: Call For a Constitutional Amendment To Purify the American Political Process We of Occupied Philadelphia call for an amendment to the Constitution that would eliminate Corporate Personhood….