US House wants laxer gun laws

Mayors against Illegal Guns is reporting: Before he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman had been arrested for assaulting a police officer and subject to a court order for domestic violence. But thanks to Florida’s lax gun standards, he was still able to get a permit to carry a concealed, loaded handgun. Now, the…

More dirt on the Newsmax article attacking Islam

Yesterday I reported in Conservatives love to hate Islam that Newsmax (a conservative blog and website) had published an anti-Muslim article Muslim Marriage Guide OKs Wife Beating.  I was skeptical of the story because I knew that Newsmax has a well-known neo-conservative bias. (Please see my earlier article Conservatives love to hate Islam for background.)…

Compassionate Action Network: Creating Collective Impact – "Awakening compassion in our children, ourselves and our world."

Time: April 16, 2011 from 9:30am to 5pm Location: Seattle City Hall – Bertha Landes Room Street: 600 Fourth Avenue City/Town: Seattle, WA Event Type: community, gathering Organized By: Compassionate Action Network This event is NOT full! Some peopple have reported that the event is full. It’s not full and we have room for you!…

Conservatives love to hate Islam: evidence from a Newsmax article

(updated 2012/04/04) I  monitor some conservative blogs and email lists, and I notice that they often publish hateful anti-Muslim stories meant to show how uncivilized and cruel Muslims supposedly are, and to promote war on Islam, no doubt. For example, Newsmax recently published Muslim Marriage Guide OKs Wife Beating 29 Mar 2012 by Steve Emerson…

Dennis Kucinich in Des Moines on Apr 12: The Threat to Social Security

Forum: The Threat to Social Security feat. Dennis Kucinich Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:30 PM Highline Community College 2400 S. 240th Street Des Moines, WA 98198 The forum is looking for stories from people in the area who have been positively affected by Social Security, such as a child or spouse who has benefitted from…

Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Liberals and Non-Christians to 'Get Out' of America

Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Liberals and Non-Christians to ‘Get Out’ of America Terry said that America “was founded as a Christian nation” and those that disagree with him should “get out! We don’t worship Buddha, we don’t worship Mohammad, we don’t worship Allah!” Terry, who has a long history of attacks against…