May Day General Strike

Code Pink says: Spring is here! Time to rise up! Join a May Day action near you Invite your friends to join you: Send anE- Postcard of Janet’s Call to Strike! Print out our Strike Solidarity sign and hang in a public place: Color | Black & White Because war criminals go on book tours…

Medicare for None?

(Note: Martha Koester contributed much of the content of this posting.) Lots of progressives want single-payer healthcare: Medicare for All. But if the Democrats don’t shape up and if Republicans get their way, we may soon have Medicare for None. March 2011: House Republicans vote to replace Medicare with coupons that give you a discount on…

A chat with Karen Porterfield, who is running for US Congress in the 8th CD

At the 41st Legislative District Caucus meeting today, I spoke with Karen Porterfield, who is running for US Congress in the newly redistricted 8th Congressional District.  The new 8th CD extends from the eastern Seattle suburbs to Wenatchee in central Washington.  (See the Washington State Redistricting Commissions maps.) Here is her campaign website: (though…

Save Social Security by Scrapping the Cap: video from Highline CC event

The Social Security Works Washington coalition is educating young and old folks about the importance of the Social Security System and how one simple fix will ensure EVERYONE will benefit from this vital social program. By balancing the amount everyone contributes – Scrapping the Cap – the social insurance will continue for many generations. Rep….

Link: MF Global: The Untold Story of the Biggest Wall Street Collapse Since Lehman

MF Global: The Untold Story of the Biggest Wall Street Collapse Since Lehman “There are plenty of lessons to be learned from MF Global and heart-pounding policy implications; all of which we can count on Congress to ignore at the behest of the Wall Street money and lobby machine until the next epic financial crisis.”

Washington State Labor Council president Jeff Johnson: Pelz criticisms of Kucinich "reprehsensible"

At Bob Hasegawa’s State Senate campaign kickoff event in Renton today (Sunday), I spoke with Washington State Labor Council president Jeff Johnson. I asked Johnson what he thought of State Dem Chair Dwight Pelz’s criticisms of Dennis Kucinich. Johnson authorized me to report that when he heard of Pelz’s words, Johnson phoned Pelz and told…