Washington Liberals

Author: Don Smith

  • Can Rep. Adam Smith move the needle on military spending, secrecy, and adventurism?

    Starting in January, Rep. Adam Smith (WA, D, 9th CD) will be the Chair of the House Armed Services Committee. Rep. Adam Smith is called a progressive, and a great hope for pacifists, in this Politico article Democrats going nuclear to rein in Trump’s arms buildup. (The title they chose for the article is rather…

  • GOP Jesus video

  • AG Ferguson’s 15th consecutive legal victory against federal government forces FERC to hand over public records

    http://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/ag-ferguson-s-15th-consecutive-legal-victory-against-federal-government-forces “As a result of Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has provided hundreds of pages of communications not previously made public, including documents that show commissioners privately considered a proposal that would have subsidized coal- and nuclear-based power. FERC must pay $23,500 in attorney costs and fees to the Washington State…

  • People for Climate Action

    Cities Climate Action Summit: We can do this! People for Climate Action’s “Cities Climate Action Summit: We can do this!” was held on November 17th in Kirkland. PCA is delighted that so many enthusiastic climate concerned members of our communities joined in the discussion on local climate action opportunities. We look forward to your engagement…

  • State Senator Maralyn Chase’s concession speech

    First of all I want to thank the many people and organizations who have supported me. I was honored by, and proud of, my record as a Democrat and representative of a growing number of people who want to see Medicare for All, the best quality public education, tax fairness, living wage jobs, equal justice…

  • Notes from Post Midterm Elections National Strategy Call to Win Medicare For All

    by local activists 11/13/2018 You can listen to the recording here: https://medicare4all.org/event/nov13call/ “It is not going to be an easy fight as the drug companies and insurance companies buy politicians and sell out their constituents every single day.” – Bernie Sanders Post Midterm National Strategy Call to Win Medicare for All / HR 676 Tuesday,…

  • Trump’s criminality

    Following Trump’s money exposes the awful truth: Our president is a ‘financial vampire’ “Americans were confronted Tuesday with a profound problem, one that challenges our commitment to accountable democratic government and justice. It is an awful truth that we must face now that the New York Times has published a richly documented, 14,000-word expose alleging…

  • Manna Madness

  • Dems want votes counted. Repugs don’t.

    Marco Rubio: Democrats Are Trying to Steal Florida Senate Race by Counting All the Votes (Sounds like something from The Onion, or from Andy Borwoitz.) Likewise, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 500,000 voters were recently purged.   “Since 2012, according to federal and state data, Georgia has removed about 1.4 million people from the voting rolls.”

  • Don’t buy from these Fox News advertisers: Progressive, Capital One, Applebees, IHOP, Match.com, Angie’s List, How Advisors

    As reported by Media Matters, Tell Advertisers: Drop Fox: Fox News is a malevolent and destructive force. Not only is the network’s programming becoming increasingly extreme, deceitful, and racist, but Fox News is also functioning as Donald Trump’s personal propaganda operation. As the network helped fuel hysteria over a migrant caravan thousands of miles from…