Washington Liberals

Inspire Seattle June 16: J Street's role in promoting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Inspire Seattle


Invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum:  Saturday, June 16th at 6:30PM.

Main discussion topic for this evening:   

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: J Street’s role in promoting a two-state solution

The United States and Israel are historic allies with strong ties who continue to search for ways to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and promote peace in the Middle East.  A new organization founded in 2008 – J Street provides a political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who believe that a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is essential to Israel’s survival as the national home of the Jewish people and as a vibrant democracy.

J Street has a two-fold mission: first, to advocate for American diplomatic leadership to achieve a two-state solution and a broader regional, comprehensive peace and, second, to ensure a broad debate on Israel and the Middle East in national politics and the American Jewish community.

 Guest Speaker:

Our speaker this evening will be Barbara Lahav, Pacific Northwest Regional Political Director. Barbara joined J Street with over two decades of political activism in pursuit of Middle East peace. Barbara is a founding member of the interfaith group Find Common Ground. A graduate of Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem, Barbara lived in Israel for more than 16 years, working in design for the Israel Museum and in administration for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Before moving back to the Seattle, Barbara was the managing editor of the local Jerusalem newspaper Kol Ha’Ir.

In the Seattle area, Barbara worked for the Jewish Federation and for ten years as the program director for the largest Conservative congregation in the area. For the past eight years, Barbara worked as an administrator and consultant for a variety of non-profit organizations. Barbara lives on Mercer Island with her husband Eli, a native of Tel Aviv.

Among topics Barbara will address are:

·         What is J Street’s mission and who are its members?

·         Israeli politics and its effects on J Street’s mission

·         Israel-focused lobbying

·         What InspireSeattle members can do to advance a two-state solution

Please join us for this important discussion!

Suggested links and articles that may be of interest to review prior to the evening are:

·         The J Street web site:  www.jstreet.org

·         U.S. interest in the Middle East:  http://jstreet.org/blog/post/us-interests-in-the-middle-east_1

·         A review on the current state of the peace process: The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Now, by William B. Quandt:  http://www.aucegypt.edu/gapp/cairoreview/Pages/articleDetails.aspx?aid=1

About InspireSeattle:

InspireSeattle is a progressive network of Seattle-area people sharing ideas and supporting action.  InspireSeattle’s vision is to create connection throughout our community and better community through activism.  InspireSeattle’s mission is to provide a fun, supportive gathering for people who care deeply about our community, our country and our planet. We embrace progressive policies that improve our society and protect our environment.  We discuss current issues, share ideas and activism efforts while striving to inspire additional action.  Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to InspireSeattle by visiting www.inspireseattle.org/contact.html.

When:  Saturday, June 16th at 6:30PM.  Please try to be on time!!!

Where:  Candace Sullivan’s place, 1140 Alki Ave SW, #505, Seattle, WA  98116, 206-938-7508

Google map:   http://goo.gl/maps/x2Qx

 Directions:   From West Seattle Bridge:

Once on the bridge move to the right. There will be an exit sign to Admiral & Avalon/Harbor. (Admiral will go straight up the hill.) Move to the right lane for the Avalon/Harbor exit. It will be down an incline. When the lane ends, go right on to Harbor.

Pass Salty’s restaurant (we’re .7 miles from Salty’s). Pass a pier with the water taxi landing. You will begin to turn around a point. There will be vertical parking on the right, a mid-rise condo on the left, some cottages on the left, and then a dark brick mid-rise condo on the left. That is me – 1140 Alki – the Duwamish Head condominium. It is kitty corner across from the Luna Park bulkhead (also known as Anchor Park). I’m in #505 on the fifth floor.

Caution: Alki begins very near our condo. It is easy to get confused by the numbering on Harbor, similar to ours but no 1140. I am about 1 ½ miles northeast from the commercial area of Alki Beach. There is generally plenty of on-street parking.

The entrance is up some stairs. There is a phone at the door. Locate Sullivan/Sugarman. Ring me and I will buzz you in.  [If you need handicapped access, you will need to call me so that I can let you in the rear door.]


It’s a potluck:  So please help out and bring something to eat and to drink!

6:30 to 7:45:  Social time!  Eat, drink, relax, and catch up with some other local progressives

Formal discussion, 7:45 to 9:30

Official Welcome and “Rules of Engagement!” – Thank you for coming out!

Guest Speakers!

Sharing of Activism Efforts by Folks in Our Group – please share with us your actions!

Activism Opportunities for the Next Month – what ideas can you share?

Book Club – Quick status of Book Club activities

Other Announcements – got any?

Plan for Next Event


Rules of Engagement!

1.  So that everyone has a chance to participate, please keep your comments short

2.  Raise one’s hand to ask a question in lieu of shouting out

3.  Respect the points of views of others

4.  No arguing of politics during the formal discussion – save that for afterwards! 


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