Washington Liberals

Why women — especially older women — rule in Washington State

Out of the 4.6 million registered voters in Washington State, 2.4 million (51.9%) are female.

Out of the 3.4 million active registered voters (meaning they’ve voted since 2012), 2.4 million (52.8%) are female.

Women rule — or at least decide who rules — in Washington State.

Furthermore, older people vote at much higher numbers than younger voters.     The following graph shows the number of registered voters by age of birth.

Voter Registration in Washington State

There are drop-offs for elderly people born before 1950, for the newly eligible people born since 1990, and for the double dip around 1970 — presumably the generation between the baby boomers and their children.  But aside from these drop-offs, the number of registered voters is rather flat.  However, the number of active voters (who have voted since 2012) shows a marked preference for the older voters:

Voter Registration in Washington State, for active voters

Young people need to vote more!

(Note: I gathered these stats from the voter registration database that I downloaded from the Washington State Secretary of State’s office.)

If we consider elderly active voters, the bias towards women is more extreme.  There are 799 thousand active female voters who were born before 1960. There are 703 thousand active male voters born before 1960.   So 53.1% of active elderly voters are female.

Some other interesting stats: King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties have over half the registered voters in Washington State.  Female voters outnumber male voters 711 thousand to 673 thousand in King County.

Here are the numbers of registered voters by county.

| CountyCode |  # Regs  |     Percent of total |
| KI         |  1386134 |              29.8783 |
| PI         |   534848 |              11.5287 |
| SN         |   494310 |              10.6549 |
| SP         |   332249 |               7.1617 |
| CR         |   301612 |               6.5013 |
| TH         |   192481 |               4.1490 |
| KP         |   180618 |               3.8932 |
| WM         |   149761 |               3.2281 |
| YA         |   121799 |               2.6254 |
| BE         |   111978 |               2.4137 |
| SK         |    78947 |               1.7017 |
| CZ         |    70074 |               1.5105 |
| IS         |    60167 |               1.2969 |
| CM         |    54836 |               1.1820 |
| LE         |    49506 |               1.0671 |
| GY         |    47050 |               1.0142 |
| CH         |    45999 |               0.9915 |
| GR         |    45724 |               0.9856 |
| MA         |    40770 |               0.8788 |
| FR         |    38318 |               0.8259 |
| WL         |    36834 |               0.7940 |
| ST         |    32640 |               0.7036 |
| KS         |    26991 |               0.5818 |
| JE         |    26713 |               0.5758 |
| WT         |    25873 |               0.5577 |
| OK         |    24325 |               0.5243 |
| DG         |    21702 |               0.4678 |
| AS         |    16504 |               0.3557 |
| KT         |    15786 |               0.3403 |
| PA         |    15230 |               0.3283 |
| SJ         |    13506 |               0.2911 |
| PE         |    10116 |               0.2181 |
| SM         |     8097 |               0.1745 |
| LI         |     7402 |               0.1596 |
| AD         |     7175 |               0.1547 |
| FE         |     5170 |               0.1114 |
| WK         |     3231 |               0.0696 |
| CU         |     3011 |               0.0649 |
| GA         |     1780 |               0.0384 |

Though King County has lots of registrations, its turnout is lower than many other counties. Here’s a table showing turnout by county (again, voters are those who have voted since 2012).

| CountyCode | Active  | Registered | Percent turnout |
| SJ         |   11667 |     13506  |     86.4%       |  San Juan County
| LI         |    6238 |      7402  |     84.3%       |  Lincoln County
| JE         |   22170 |     26713  |     83.0%       |  Jefferson County
| CU         |    2468 |      3011  |     82.0%       |
| GA         |    1445 |      1780  |     81.2%       |
| WK         |    2585 |      3231  |     80.0%       |
| CM         |   43310 |     54836  |     79.0%       |
| ST         |   25683 |     32640  |     78.7%       |
| FE         |    4064 |      5170  |     78.6%       |
| SK         |   61914 |     78947  |     78.4%       |
| IS         |   46750 |     60167  |     77.7%       |
| OK         |   18873 |     24325  |     77.6%       |
| PA         |   11811 |     15230  |     77.6%       |
| WM         |  115759 |    149761  |     77.3%       |
| KS         |   20795 |     26991  |     77.0%       |
| CH         |   35344 |     45999  |     76.8%       |
| MA         |   31242 |     40770  |     76.6%       |
| SM         |    6197 |      8097  |     76.5%       |
| BE         |   85388 |    111978  |     76.3%       |
| WL         |   28073 |     36834  |     76.2%       |
| PE         |    7678 |     10116  |     75.9%       |
| LE         |   37463 |     49506  |     75.7%       |
| KI         | 1046928 |   1386134  |     75.5%       |
| KP         |  136283 |    180618  |     75.5%       |
| KT         |   11876 |     15786  |     75.2%       |   King County
| SN         |  370888 |    494310  |     75.0%       |   Snohohomish County
| WT         |   19396 |     25873  |     75.0%       |
| SP         |  248881 |    332249  |     74.9%       |
| DG         |   16072 |     21702  |     74.6%       |
| AD         |    5229 |      7175  |     72.9%       |
| TH         |  140214 |    192481  |     72.8%       |
| PI         |  388218 |    534848  |     72.6%       |   Pierce County
| CR         |  216499 |    301612  |     71.8%       |
| CZ         |   49609 |     70074  |     70.8%       |
| GY         |   33155 |     47050  |     70.5%       |
| YA         |   85157 |    121799  |     69.9%       |
| GR         |   31583 |     45724  |     69.1%       |
| AS         |   11031 |     16504  |     66.8%       |
| FR         |   25400 |     38318  |     66.3%       |

The following image shows turnout by zipcode in Washington State.
Turnout by Zipcode in Washington State

Earlier this year, in How does voter turnout vary with income?, I showed the degree to which wealthy people vote more  than poorer people.  I reproduce the relevant graph below. (Click on it for a larger version.)

Voter turnout by median income

There is a trend in the graph: the richer zipcodes (on the right) tend to have higher turn out (towards the top). That’s why the graph tends towards the upper right. There are exceptions — zipcodes with lower income and higher turnouts.

You can also see to which voters tend to be older and female from the following chart from the Secretary of State’s office, showing voter turnout in the 2014 election:

Age     Gender  Number of Voters
18 - 24 years   Female  174801
18 - 24 years   Male    167837
18 - 24 years   UnKnown 376
18 - 24 years   Total   343014
25 - 34 years   Female  331861
25 - 34 years   Male    304675
25 - 34 years   UnKnown 410
25 - 34 years   Total   636946
35 - 44 years   Female  322444
35 - 44 years   Male    300368
35 - 44 years   UnKnown 369
35 - 44 years   Total   623181
45 - 54 years   Female  365392
45 - 54 years   Male    343584
45 - 54 years   UnKnown 345
45 - 54 years   Total   709321
55 - 64 years   Female  392350
55 - 64 years   Male    359749
55 - 64 years   UnKnown 372
55 - 64 years   Total   752471
65 and over     Female  461011
65 and over     Male    396921
65 and over     UnKnown 414
65 and over     Total   858346
Grand   Total   3923279

In short, older people, rich people, and females tend to be the people who vote most.

According to the Secretary of State’s Voting Participation Statistics, in the 2012 elections, 60.8% of the voting age population voted. In the midterm elections of 2014 only 39.5% of eligible people voted.

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