Seattle Scoping Hearing, Rally, March, After Party, and Press

Backbone participated in five of the seven coal train scoping hearings across the state, bringing imagery, helping promote, and generally providing strong visual and messaging support to the effort to defeat this insane/foolish/greedy/ridiculous proposal in the court of public opinion..

These photos are from our effort at the final hearing in Seattle. It has been a busy month, but we are proud to be a part of this effort and the larger extraction resistance movement. (fyi – The people of Montana and Idaho have asked to have hearings there as well, where will we of course try to be to support.) Thank you to everyone who participated and attended the after party. Special thank yous to the photographers Jeff Dunnicliff and John Cornicello. Below you will see the rally shots, screen shots from earned media, Holiday Portraits from the afterparty, and shots from press (especialy Anthony Trujillo) and Soul NOT Coal procession in which 30-50 folks took the streets for a celebratory march to the afterparty at the Baltic Room.

See photos here.

No Coal Exports

No Coal Exports

No Coal Exports

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