Nov 27 in Seattle: a feminist look at the TPP free trade monster; Nov 7: organizing

Thursday, November 21, 7:30pm • Dinner 6:30pm, New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
4 blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the Hudson stop of the #7 busline. Near the Columbia City light rail station.

A feminist look at a looming free trade monster: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

How are capitalist trade pacts impacting women and workers around the world? Learn what’s at risk from this latest imperialist love fest that pushes privatization, targets food production, and undermines global access to low-cost medications. Let’s talk about how to create a global economy run for people, not profit. Come strategize about how to stop the TPP before it’s fast-tracked down our throats. Presentation by environmentalist and social worker Hilary Bowker. Seasonal supper, with vegan options, served at 6:30pm for $8.50 donation.

For more info or to arrange childcare: 206-722-6057 • •

Thursday, November 7, 7:30pm • Dinner 6:30pm
Get engaged with socialist feminism!

This Radical Women meeting will focus on grassroots activist organizing. Learn about campaigns such as defending victims of domestic violence, fighting for the basic needs of working and poor people, and building women’s leadership. Hearty home-style dinner, with vegan options, served at 6:30pm for $8.50 donation.

New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
4 blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the Hudson stop of the #7 busline. Near the Columbia City light rail station.

For more info or to arrange childcare: 206-722-6057 • •


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