Localize this Action Camp and video

Localize This!

Join Friends & Allies for the 5th Annual Cross-Movement Artful Activism, Strategy, Creative Tactics & Community Organizing Intensive Training Camp!

July 31st – August 5th on Vashon Island, WA

What’s Localize This?- Find out in 2 minutes or less watching this video:

Ready To Register – CLICK HERE!

Learn More at LocalizeThis.org

Register before June 30th and we’ll do our part to help you fundraise for your participation: Tips for Crowd HERE

Help spread the word about the 5th annual
Localize This! Artful Action Camp

  1. Please copy and SHARE/Tweet/email to friends this link http://LocalizeThis.org
  2. Invite Facebook Friends to our FB event page HERE.
  3. Download 4 per page handbill HERE.
  4. Download poster HERE.

localize this 2013 Flier

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