Tell lawmakers how to fix the school funding crisis: Oct 19, 5PM in Renton

Join Radical Women at a public meeting of the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee For decades, Washington legislators have refused to provide adequate funding for public schools. The state Supreme Court finally lost patience and is imposing a penalty of $100,000 a day until the legislature comes through with the funds. The only…

Support public transit at Westlake, Valentine's Day at noon

Valentine’s Day Informational Picket “HEY KING COUNTY! HAVE A HEART!” — Roll Back the Fare Hikes! — Keep Public Transit Accessible to All! — Honor Transit Workers with a Fair Contract! Saturday, February 14, 12:00 pm WESTLAKE PARK, 4th & PIKE, SEATTLE <span”>After approving more taxes to save bus service, Seattleites now face a fare…

Looking for action?

Find it at Radical Women’s organizing meeting Connect with a multi-racial group of feminists looking to change the world! Take part in updates and discussions on the effort to stop Seattle Housing Authority’s rent-raising “Stepping Forward” plan. Analyze the movement to defend Marissa Alexander, a Black mother going on trial in Florida for defending herself against…

Orgasm, Inc. The Strange Science of Female Pleasure

This humorous documentary offers a behind-the-scenes look into the ploy by pharmaceutical companies to create a new disease for profit – “female sexual dysfunction.” It illustrates how people are manipulated into thinking they have a physical problem to increase revenues for Big Pharma. Open discussion will be kicked off by Susan Traff, a licensed mental…

May Day March and Rally for Workers and Immigrant Rights

Rally with thousands of workers and immigrant rights supporters. The event will focus on standing together with all workers regardless of race, class, gender, sexual identity and documentation status. Join with Radical Women participants who will be marching with the Libertad para Nestora/Freedom for Nestora Committee. Look for our signs and banner! Thursday May 1st,…

Rally in solidarity with Northwest Detention Center Hunger Strikers March 11

Rally in solidarity with Northwest Detention Center Hunger Strikers: 5:00 – 7:00p.m. Tuesday, March 11 (Get  carpool information below) 1000 more signatures needed by 5pm tomorrow.  Please, sign the petition here. On Friday, March 7th, 1200 people held at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington, one of the largest immigration prisons in the country, began a hunger strike…

Nov 27 in Seattle: a feminist look at the TPP free trade monster; Nov 7: organizing

Thursday, November 21, 7:30pm • Dinner 6:30pm, New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle 4 blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the Hudson stop of the #7 busline. Near the Columbia City light rail station. A feminist look at a looming free trade monster: The Trans-Pacific Partnership How are capitalist trade pacts impacting women and…