In State Dems to Kucinich: Get lost, Seattle P-I reporter Joel Connelly joins State Dem Chair Dwight Pelz in badmouthing Dennis Kucinich for considering a run for Congress in Washington State.
Why is Pelz viciously attacking a Democratic hero who stands for everything Democrats should believe in?
Kucinich is much loved by unionists (for his standing with them during the WTO protests in 1999), by peace activists, by seniors (for staunchly defending Social Security and Medicare), and by progressives. When Kucinich gives speeches, he regularly receives standing ovations.
Why is Pelz calling Kucinich names?
Republicans don’t attack their own and alienate important constituencies.
Is Dwight Pelz trying to help Republicans?
Will progressives stand back and let centrist Pelz get away with this?
Pelz’s harsh words were quoted in national media (e.g., in the Washington Post and USAToday).
Kucinich supporter David Spring convincingly argues that Kucinich should be welcomed with open arms by Pelz and other Dems. As things stand now, there’s a large risk that Democrat Inslee may lose to Republican McKenna in the governor’s race. Kucinch would energize both the Democratic base and Independents fed up with the corporatism and militarism of both major parties. (Kucinich is not afraid to stand for what’s just.) Independents love Kucinich and repeatedly voted for him, because they know he’s for real.  See Spring’s Why have 80 Percent of Independent Voters voted for Dennis in his past campaigns?   Kucinich lost to Kapur in the Ohio primary because the Republicans gerrymandered the district to favor Kapur in the primary, in which Independents cannot vote.
I encourage readers to really check out David Spring’s informative website Washington Citizens for Kucinich, especially
Is there any truth to the corporate media claim that Dennis cannot win in Washington State?
and the other Answers to 12 Most Common Questions about our campaign to Keep Dennis in Congress. The examples of “carpetbaggers” who won in What about the corporate media claim that Dennis would be a Carpet Bagger? are powerful.
The existing Democratic candidates in the 1st CD (from just north and east of Seattle and extending up to the Canadian border) have had a bad track record at winning elections. Kucinich would be a much stronger candidate.
Progressives need to have the courage of their convictions and stand behind the greatest progressive in the House. It’s time for progressives to take back the Democratic Party from centrists and DINOs.   Centrism by the President led to the shellacking of Dems in 2010. Centrism in Washington State led to the fielding of centrist Democrats such as the trio of “Road Kill” Senate Democrats who voted with the GOP in support of a regressive budget. This is a chance of a lifetime — to have Dennis Kucinich represent us — and a chance to kick out the centrists.
Dennis Kucinich may decide not to run, or may decide to run in 2014. Either way, Kucinich needs to know that we progressives support him, and we progressives need to stand up for the true Democratic principles that Kucinich embodies.   Dwight Pelz should apologize to Kucinich and to progressives who, for too long, have been ignored by the leadership of the Democratic Party.