Austin Kelly sent along this link.
This article makes a number of arguments about the direction the IWW should take in its organizing, including taking a longer-term perspective than the next few years.
Winning the War of Position: Working-Class Hegemony and Class Unionism
by B.C.
It is readily apparent to any working-class person that the economic oppressions of capitalist society, numerous though they may be, are only one facet of the system of social control exercised by bourgeois society. The dominant culture is one of homogenous individualism, materialism, and intellectual vapidity. It is not a culture natural to a free and free-thinking people; but rather a culture designed to maintain the integrity of an unjust social order, designed to favor an exploiting class over a mass of oppressed working people – using each and every tool, political and ideological, that it can exploit in its battle for continued dominance.
Oh yeah, a republican congressman said something stupid about birth control and a lot of the media thought that was news. It may be an entertaining story and it’s always fun to see a politician twist in the wind, but I don’t think it’s news that right-wingers are ignorant on topics of science, biology, conception etc. It is kind of ironic that this particular ignorant republican congressman sits on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. But hey, he sits there, drawing a salary, nobody claims he brings anything to the table.