Washington Community Action Network
is holding a Week of Action to demand that our legislators and the governor do the right thing. Close corporate tax giveaways and stop balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and the middle class.
APRIL 5-8 we will take back our dignity and our State.
On April 5-8th, we will take Olympia, our state capitol, as a force to be recognized. The current economic crisis has led to massive job loss, home foreclosures, and cuts to education, health care, child care, and other basic services. People of color, immigrants, low-income people, and public workers are being attacked for this crisis, while big banks and corporations who are the ones responsible enjoy millions in free tax giveaways and profits at our expense.
We know right from wrong and we cannot stand by any longer in silence.
We’ve rallied, marched, lobbied, and testified and they have not moved – now is the time to TURN UP THE HEAT!
United, the community demands that the Governor and State Legislature:
- Close corporate tax loopholes
- Stop scapegoating our communities, people of color, immigrants, and public workers
- Stop the cuts to critical social services
- Create jobs
Help us spread the word about the week of action in Olympia!
Take a stand for racial and economic equity!
Transportation, translation, child care, and special needs will be taken care of.
For information or to join our action efforts, contact Jill Mangaliman ~ 206-805-6678 jill@washingtoncan.org