Join Veteran Strategists and Expert Action Trainers for a Weekend of Action-Oriented Workshops, Skills Trainings, and Strategizing in Bellingham, WA June 14th-16th. REGISTER TODAY! TPP: Corporate Greed vs. Human Needs? – You Decide… The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will impact every one of us in the Pacific NW; as eaters, as workers and as people who care about healthy communities. It is a super-sized version of NAFTA, and after 20 years of corporate gains on the backs of workers and communities-we can’t afford more of the same. TPP Action Camp offers a unique opportunity to come together, just before the TPP enters into its 18th Round of negotiations in July. A weekend to collectively strategize on how to best educate and activate our communities, as well as build the necessary skills. TPP resisters throughout the NW will emerge from TPP Action camp energized and inspired to lead the movement that will bring down the TPP! Join us! TPP Action Camp is jointly organized by Occupy Bellingham, Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, TPPxBorder, the Washington Fair Trade Coalition, Backbone Campaign, with in-kind support from Laborers 276, and Mary Mullen. Trainings and Workshops Offered (descriptions linked)
Cost: Sliding Scale $100-$150 (No one turned away because of lack of funds). Make Organizing a Sustainable endeavor: The best organizers mobilize their community to invest in their work. If we really want to dethrone the corporate coup, we’ll need to honor our vocation and regard our work as valuable. One way of doing this is to muster the financial resources to support our collective work commensurate with the opposition we face and the efforts that it will take to bring into reality our vision for a more just world. Our costs are $100 – $150 per person. Please pitch in as much as you can afford. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Get creative with funding your participation and check out our tips for crowd funding HERE If you have the means, PLEASE consider increasing your contribution to $200 or more in order to help us cover the cost of scholarships. If you cannot attend please help sponsor the attendance of other enthusiastic organizers by donating to scholarships. Contact the Backbone office if you have questions at 206-408-8058.