See The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ description of the Peoples’ Budget.
Support for the People’s Budget
“genuinely courageousâ€
“achieves this without dismantling the legacy of the New Dealâ€
“if you want a serious effort to balance the budget, here it is.”
“A bolt of hope…humane, responsible, and most of all sensibleâ€
“Mr Ryan’s plan adds (by its own claims) $6 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, but promises to balance the budget by sometime in the 2030s by cutting programmes for the poor and the elderly. The Progressive Caucus’s plan would (by its own claims) balance the budget by 2021 by cutting defence spending and raising taxes, mainly on rich people.â€
“In passing, Miller also draws attention something that’s gotten far too little attention in this debate. The most fiscally responsible plan seems to be neither the Republicans’ nor the president’s. It’s the Congressional Progressive Caucus plan…â€
“It’s much more courageous to propose taxes on the rich and powerful than spending cuts on the poor and disabled.”
“Balances the budget 20 years earlier than Paul Ryan even tries toâ€