Youth Justice Reinvestment Part I: Family Solutions and Success Stories for Youth in the Juvenile System
On Tuesday, May 28th at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm EST, we invite you to join us for the first of two Conversations on youth justice reinvestment. We are honored to welcome Zachary Norris, Co-Director of Justice for Families coalition, as our co-producer for this series.
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Converse with and join the Q & A with these amazing change-makers at the forefront of the fight for Justice for Youth, working to end the school-to-prison pipeline and the for-profit prison system that is shackling the future of our families and our communities’.
“Freedom is the Key” Poster created in 2012 by a 17-year-old student (who had experienced incarceration) in a high school art class at a Residential Treatment Center.” |
Justice For Families is a national alliance of local organizations working to end the youth incarceration epidemic in the U.S. and to transform families from prison system victims to leader in a movement for fairness and opportunity for all youth.
In September, Justice For Families released a historic report Families Unlocking Futures which was written by and about families with personal experience in the system. The report explains how juvenile justice systems prepare youth, families and communities for failure. It also offers solutions for families and for the transformation of youth justice to help youth succeed and maintain community safety.
This extraordinary report is a must-read for people of conscience, people who know that young people who make mistakes and struggle in school deserve our care, compassion and concern — not humiliation, prison cells, relentless shame, and all their family supports stripped from them. This comprehensive study examines our youth prison system from the perspective of those who are most impacted — young people and their families. Finally, it demonstrates the power of their collective voice. This report shares their insightful observations as well as jaw-dropping data, revealing a system that is not just broken, but one that must be entirely transformed.
For our May 28th Conversation, we welcome a line-up of extraordinary guests, all of whom either contributed to the report or are implementing solutions in their communities.
Our Progressive Cabinet podcast, Conversations with the Cabinet, is in its eighth year, and this will be our 86th interview. This project now focuses on facilitating and sharing practical strategies that most can implement throughout the U.S.. We also seek to amplify organizers’ and stakeholders’ innovative solutions to seemingly intractable issues. Thus, our Conversations augment Backbone Campaign creative tactics trainings and workshops. We hope both forms – virtual and in situ – are of use .
On May 28th at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm EST, courageous stakeholders and organizers from California and Louisiana, to Virginia and Maryland, will exchange stories of family and youth transformation and youth justice reinvestment.
Lift up all our families and children – now!
Diane Wittner
Bill Moyer
Conversations with the Cabinet
Backbone Campaign
PS – Our second Youth Justice Reinvestment Conversation is on on June 4th, and will feature Youth Justice Coalition youth leaders and organizers, along with youth leaders fromBaltimore Algebra Project. Save the date!
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