In the video Winning the War of Ideas, Sam Harris interviews author Sam Harris. Both agree that progressives are making a serious error by failing to oppose Islamic violence and misogyny.
Harris and Maher don’t sufficiently acknowledge that progressives are indeed critical of Islamic repression. But progressives are even more concerned with stopping a Holy War against Islam. War lovers in both major parties are using the threat of terrorism to justify military spending and endless war.
After all, Muslim radicalism is largely a result of decades of war waged by the West against Muslim countries, and by U.S. meddling in the Middle East.  The U.S. created Al Qadea in Afghanistan in an effort to eject Russia.
The U.S. waged war against secular Iraq but has protected theocratic Saudi Arabia. Mostly, the U.S. should stop trying to be the policeman of the world. In reality, the motivation isn’t to save them from repression. The motivation is to get their oil.