Can Surveillance Technologies Be Tamed? May 3rd in Seattle
InspireSeattle Invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum: Saturday, May 3rd at 6:30PM. Main discussion topic for this evening:Â Can Surveillance Technologies Be Tamed? Video surveillance cameras are far different from the technology of a few decades ago. They now allow remote control, with pan, tilt, and zoom features; the images obtained are…
Why conservatives are so happy
After all, fewer buses means more traffic, more pollution, more lung disease, more carbon, more hardship for the poor and elderly, more money to the oil companies and the Koch brothers, and more kickbacks to themselves. What’s not to like with all that?
Carbon WA's open letter to Governor Inslee
Dear Governor Inslee: Your leadership as a true climate champion is evident in the way you consistently and publicly talk about the need to put a price on carbon. We share that vision with you, and we want to help you turn that vision into a reality. But putting a price on carbon is going…
Finland’s model shows respect for all
I just returned from a trip to Finland to visit old friends. I brought home a bill from a hospital. You may wonder how these two things connect. The bill from the hospital was for a friend of mine. She needed a new hip. So for five days in the hospital, the surgery, the surgeon’s…
May Day March and Rally for Workers and Immigrant Rights
Rally with thousands of workers and immigrant rights supporters. The event will focus on standing together with all workers regardless of race, class, gender, sexual identity and documentation status. Join with Radical Women participants who will be marching with the Libertad para Nestora/Freedom for Nestora Committee. Look for our signs and banner! Thursday May 1st,…
Report on Adam Smith's Town Hall at Mercer Island
A mere twenty people or so showed up at Congressman Adam Smith’s Town Hall meeting on Mercer Island on April 23, 2014. I arrived five minutes beforehand and found myself standing alone with Rep. Smith. I asked him why he didn’t support the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Better Off Budget. He said he voted against the…
Many people strongly support 15 Now, but some seemingly have gotten on the 15 Now bandwagon, including some people who always oppose propositions favorable to working people. Don’t be fooled by some of this fake support. They know labor is waking up and will no longer tolerate a less than living wage. Labor has come…
Why in Oregon, Washington, and California (but not Texas or New York) did poorer counties vote for Romney?
In High poverty counties tend to vote Republican in Washington State, I observed that Washington State counties with a higher percentage of people living below the poverty line tend to vote Republican. In this article, I extend my analysis to other states. The following scatter graph shows, for counties with population greater than 10,000, how…