Hiding Behind Tim Eyman

[From top right, clockwise:  House Chair Rep. Frank Chopp,  Sen. Steve Hobbs,  Rep. Judy Clibborn, Gov. Christine Gregoire,  House Ways & Means Chair Ross Hunter (on bottom left), Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, House Majority Floor Leader Larry Springer,  Lt. Governor Brad Owen (on upper-left)] During the run-up to the 2010 election, our Democratic leaders…

The REAL meaning of the Tea Party

(Photoshopped from a real Tea Party protest photo) To be fair, I’m sure many Tea Partiers are sincere in their desire to see an end to government corruption and handouts to special interests. But the Tea Partiers are allying themselves with Republicans, the most culpable practitioners of special interest government that serves the interests of…

Political Extortion

What will it take for elected Democratic legislators in our state, and the governor, to refuse to accede to extortionists? EXTORTION – excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ “The term extortion is often used metaphorically . . .   It is also often used loosely to refer to everyday situations where one person feels indebted against their will, to another,…

Reichert signs theocracy letter

Republican US Congressman Dave Reichert (WA, 8th CD) has signed a letter calling on President Obama to acknowledge the primacy of God in America. The following pdf file http://truthsite.org/politics/Letterto0bamaAboutGodFromUSCongressmen.pdf contains an image of the letter, which was signed by 42 US members of Congress. In a November, 2010 speech Obama said that e pluribus unum —…

Towards a more effective approach to fighting Internet voting

Internet voting is creeping its way into America, opening the door to pseudo-elections and digital dictatorship. Below is a concise look at what’s wrong with it and suggestions for how to argue more effectively against it. Internet voting proposals reemerge every year, no matter how devastating the research against the concept. Formidable research showing that…

GOP Plans to Cut 4 Trillion Dollars from Federal Budget in a Decade

The Wall Street Journal (radicals? socialists?) is running an article that says in paragraph 4: The plan would essentially end Medicare, which now pays most of the health-care bills for 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, as a program that directly pays those bills. Mr. Ryan and other conservatives say this is necessary because of…