The Republican Plan: Increase Deficit, Transfer More Money to the Rich
From TPM In addition to acknowledging that seniors, disabled and elderly people would be hit with much higher out-of-pocket health care costs, the CBO finds that by the end of the 10-year budget window, public debt will actually be higher than it would be if the GOP just did nothing. Under the so-called “extended baseline…
Red Shift and the dangers of electronic, absentee, and Internet voting
I subscribe to the email list of BlackBoxVoting, the nonpartisan voting integrity organization whose director, Bev Harris, lives in Renton, WA. In this article I’ll give a very brief taste of the issues. Visit Black Box Voting and read To The American Media: Time To Face The Reality Of Election Rigging for more information. The…
Cut workplace injuries, not workers compensation
Last Thursday night the state experienced the tragic on the job fatality of a worker at the Smurfit Stone Recycling Co.,  a paper recycling plant in Renton. Rudimentary research efforts reveal that the state has a significant problem of fatal workplace injuries and that Smurfit Stone has a highly questionable workplace safety record. This only…
Hiding Behind Tim Eyman
[From top right, clockwise: House Chair Rep. Frank Chopp, Sen. Steve Hobbs, Rep. Judy Clibborn, Gov. Christine Gregoire, House Ways & Means Chair Ross Hunter (on bottom left), Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, House Majority Floor Leader Larry Springer, Lt. Governor Brad Owen (on upper-left)] During the run-up to the 2010 election, our Democratic leaders…
Demonstration for Fair Budget in Olympia, Washington
Wensday Media has a bunch of hours of video coverage of the week at the Capitol in Olympia. We are working on editing at this point. Looking for an informative, entertaining video project at the end of the process. Here is a couple of minutes of the project to date. Hope you enjoy. Danny Kelly,…
The REAL meaning of the Tea Party
(Photoshopped from a real Tea Party protest photo) To be fair, I’m sure many Tea Partiers are sincere in their desire to see an end to government corruption and handouts to special interests. But the Tea Partiers are allying themselves with Republicans, the most culpable practitioners of special interest government that serves the interests of…
Political Extortion
What will it take for elected Democratic legislators in our state, and the governor, to refuse to accede to extortionists? EXTORTION – excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ “The term extortion is often used metaphorically . . .   It is also often used loosely to refer to everyday situations where one person feels indebted against their will, to another,…
Washington Uprising! Demonstrators Occupy the Capitol and Demand Fair Budget
Folks are coming to Olympia in droves this week to demand a fair State budget. This is a week of action based on demands for a fair budget that were delivered to the lawmakers on March 17th. The Olympia Coalition for a Fair Budget put on a bang-up day of speech and music and entertainment…
Breaking news: Protesters take over WA State Capitol
[Update Thursday morning from Sandra Vanderven at the protest: There are more people who are willing to keep the occupation going tonight, and it isn’t unreasonable to think you’ll get away with it as we did. Â I would be very happy if you wanted to join up with the various organizations that are making things…
Reichert signs theocracy letter
Republican US Congressman Dave Reichert (WA, 8th CD) has signed a letter calling on President Obama to acknowledge the primacy of God in America. The following pdf file http://truthsite.org/politics/Letterto0bamaAboutGodFromUSCongressmen.pdf contains an image of the letter, which was signed by 42 US members of Congress. In a November, 2010 speech Obama said that e pluribus unum —…