Horray for government!

For decades conservatives have been badmouthing government. They’ve been intentionally mismanaging and corrupting it, to turn people against government. It’s time to stand up and shout: Horray for government! I was reminded of this on my back from work the other day.  Coming down the stairs to the bus tunnel at Westlake Station in Seattle,…

Education and the Future

Washington State is pushing college tuition up as part of the budget cutting stage of the Great Recession.  This is exactly the wrong way to go, but it is driven generally by free market forces, forces for deregulation, bubble economy speculators who understand that the current flattened tax table provides the opportunity of a lifetime…

Poll shows strong support for repealing WA tax breaks to fund Basic Health

From the Democratic Underground: The ElderCare Alliance included a question in the statewide Elway Poll conducted last week with regard to the new proposal to repeal a set of tax breaks and use the money generated to fund the Basic Health Care Program. The question describes the plan contained in House Bill 1847 introduced by…

Apple Nets $12 Billion in 6 Months, Workers Make $1/hr

The Guardian (UK) reported that Chinese workers making iPads and iPhones are being treated “inhumanely, like machines”. According to a guardian.co.uk article, interviewed workers revealed: â–  Excessive overtime is routine, despite a legal limit of 36 hours a month. One payslip, seen by the Observer, indicated that the worker had performed 98 hours of overtime…