Koch-Blocked: a great video and an over-wrought essay
“Tired of the Koch Brothers buying our political system?” Koch Blocked An email went out promoting the above clever and powerful video. The email contained an essay, reproduced here, that calls the Koch Brothers and the Tea Party movement “Sociopathic fascists .” Repeatedly, they use terms “Corporate Fascist” and “Naziism.” The essay makes numerous valid…
Louder Than Words — a video about President Obama; notes on my LD
Louder Than Words — Roots Action’s video critical of President Obama The timing of this video is perfect. President Obama is back in full campaign-mode, and he’s a brilliant speaker and campaigner. But too often his actions belie his words. Yesterday at my local Democratic LD organization, there was a rather heated discussion about the…
Guns N' Religion: an anti-elitist, anti-government song
Guns N’ Religion: a (satirical) anti-elitist, anti-government song (sung to the tune of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”, lyrics only)
Right wing think tank WPC pushes for state constitutional amendment about super-majority requirements
This website has published a series of articles challenging the constitutionality of I-1053, the voter initiative that imposes a 2/3 super-majority requirement on the legislature to raise taxes or eliminate tax breaks. See I-1053 is apparently unconstitutional, How our legislators should deal with I-1053 and the references therein. The issue of the constitutionality of I-1053…
Obama: Perception vs. Reality
Had we elected Dennis Kucinich, pretending that were possible, I wonder just how that would have translated into Republican votes for progressive legislation, fewer filibusters, or a diminished corporate influence on Congress. President Bush managed to ram his agenda through. As it turns out, there are no corporate interests opposing deregulation, or tax cuts, or…
Economics 101 – Deep Bow to Critter's Crap for the Good Work
Critter’s Crap breaks down economics for us. It’s really quite clear. Over a long period of time, the numbers show that the economy grows at a rate of 2.1%. We can and should have a discussion about steady state economics in light of resource depletion, but for the purpose of evaluating economic activity, income and…
Redistricting: a map and hearings
Washington State is undergoing redistricting, in response to changes in population. At Sunday’s Legislative Action Committee meeting, Sarajane Siegfriedt passed around a redistricting map of King County. Districts which have grown in population (compared to the average) are shown in red and need to shrink. Districts which have shrunk in population (compared to the average)…
LAC report: workers' comp, Road Killers, DIME, metro buses, teachers
Workers’ compensation “reform” (Summary: Washington State Labor Council President Jeff Johnson says that House Speaker Frank Chopp and other House Dems deserve strong praise for standing firm and protecting the current workers’ compensation system. Call Chopp and thank him. Call Gregoire and Lisa Brown and ask them to rein in the Senate Road Kill Caucus…
Support Seattle teachers, make Chase Bank pay its fair share
Seattle Council of Move-On.org will be joining in support with Seattle Teachers that received pink slips to protest Chase Bank for avoiding State Taxes. Where:Â Chase Bank located at 1919 North 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98103 When:Â Saturday May 21, 2010 at 11:00 AM Who:Â Seattle Education Association, Social Equality Educators, King County Jobs with…
Time to grow with money that is owed
The era of 9/11 may have been brought to a close last week with the killing of Osama bin Laden. President Obama spoke of bringing to justice bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. He praised the sacrifice of the firefighters and police who lost their lives on that fateful day. Perhaps we can…