Watch Pirate TV with streaming video
Good news! You can watch Pirate TV with streaming or downloaded video, from the comfort of your computer.  I have never been able to watch the broadcast shows (on my boob tube) at the appointed times, so the availability of streaming and downloadable films greatly expands the value of the service. Here, for example, is…
Rachel Maddow on Obama
Rachel Maddow doesn’t seem happy with Obama. You make the call.
Workers give, business gets in Legislature
You’d be hard pressed to find a better example of “kick-’em when they’re down” politics this year than the workers’ compensation legislation rushed through Olympia on Monday. By the governor’s own estimate, the bill will take about $1 billion that injured workers would have received over the next five years and give it to their…
Obama Hostility Syndrome
I guess “Obama Hostility Syndrome” applies to the far left as well as the far right. It is a condition whereby fault is found with anything and everything Obama does. Short memories and impatience rule the day for so called “progressives”, who give little credit to Obama for the work he has done for women’s…
"The only people Obama has prosecuted are the whistle-blowers"
In his book “Death of the Liberal Class”, as well in recent articles Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West and The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic, Chris Hedges condemns what he calls “the liberal class” for its refusal to confront the truths about the Democratic Party, about Barack Obama, and about…
Update from the Front Lines of the Class War
The Washington legislature continues to crawl through the special session. You can see where they have been by tracking the slimy trail. Well. I guess that’s a little harsh. But here is a note about the current status from my friends at POWER: POWER is an organization of low-income parents and allies advocating for a…
More Notes on the Fragility of Empire
“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.” — George F. Kennan (1904-2005) US advisor, diplomat, political analyst, and Pulitzer-prize winning…
Dinner with Dennis Kucinich
I was one of about a dozen King County Democrats that just had dinner with Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich at the Georgetown Liqour Company. This was not a fundraiser. I was hoping to learn more about Kucinich’s possible run for Congress in Washington. As it turns out, I don’t know anything that I didn’t already.…
Report on Amy Goodman's speech at the Seattle Green Festival
Sunday afternoon I heard Amy Goodman and Dennis Kucinich speak at Seattle Green Festival. Both speakers received standing ovations. This article covers Amy Goodman’s speech. Here’s my photo of her during the book signing that followed the speech. Goodman spoke about her book “Breaking the Sound Barrier” — the power of independent journalism. I couldn’t…