Economics and Humanities: Public Services or Private Profits?

The Supremes gave orders to California to do something about the prison over-crowding recently. It was a split 5-4 decision as most controversial decisions will be from the current court because there are 4 strongly conservative ideological votes on the court (alito, roberts, scalia, thomas for those tracking the justices) one swing vote (kennedy) and…

The Peoples' Budget versus the Obama and Ryan Budgets

See The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ description of the Peoples’ Budget.   Support for the People’s Budget Paul Krugman “genuinely courageous” “achieves this without dismantling the legacy of the New Deal” Dean Baker “if you want a serious effort to balance the budget, here it is.” Jeffrey Sachs “A bolt of hope…humane, responsible, and most of…

Obama Hostility Syndrome

I guess “Obama Hostility Syndrome” applies to the far left as well as the far right. It is a condition whereby fault is found with anything and everything Obama does. Short memories and impatience rule the day for so called “progressives”, who give little credit to Obama for the work he has done for women’s…

"The only people Obama has prosecuted are the whistle-blowers"

In his book “Death of the Liberal Class”, as well in recent articles Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West and The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic, Chris Hedges condemns what he calls “the liberal class” for its refusal to confront the truths about the Democratic Party, about Barack Obama, and about…