C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy

Jeff Sharlet’s C Street is an exposé of the radical fundamentalism of C Street and its network of D.C. lawmakers, lobbyists and foreign leaders. The book tells how fundamentalist Christians in the government and the military have promoted intolerance, revisionist American history, free market fundamentalism, and war against Islam. Early chapters focus on a semi-secretive…

Talkin 'bout a Revolution

if you’re talking about destruction, don’t you know that you can count me out… I share John Lennon’s ambivalence about the revolution, but I think there are revolutions coming.  Maybe a revolution doesn’t have to include the choreography and armament to take the Bastille? How about a revolution in agriculture?  We watched a video about…

Quickie: Texas Republicans Should Read the Bible

http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/7496-focus-texas-republicans-should-read-the-bible Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently said America should be guided by “the Christian values that this country was based upon.” Even though Article 11 of the John Adams-endorsed Treaty of Tripoli states “the Government of the United States of America, is not in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,” I’m sure it warmed…

An Inside Job: how Wall Street caused the subprime crash

Last Sunday afternoon I joined twenty or so others at the Renton library to watch the muckraking documentary An Inside Job. The two hour video tells how deregulation and a revolving door between regulators and industry fueled risky practices and huge profits on Wall Street. The two hour video is filled with interviews with knowledgeable…

Virtually Speaking: Culture of Truth, Ted Rall, Lee Smolin, Susie Madrak, Stuart Zechman, Jay Ackroyd

Virtually Speaking Sundays Schedule for Sunday, Sept 18 through Thursday Sept 22. With help from listener commentary and questions, we talk with  some of your favorite writers: political analysts, media critics, technologists, historians, etc. Virtually Speaking is public affairs, progressive voices, current events. Comments and questions courtesy of a digitally present studio audience. Which could…

Washington State Revenue Declines by another $1.4 billion, while tax breaks for the rich soar

The Washington State Revenue Council just released their revised revenue forecast admitting for the first time that State revenue will only be $30.3 billion – a $1.4 billion decline from their prior forecast in June of $31.7 billion.  But here’s the REAL Washington State Budget…Billions of Tax Payer Dollars are diverted every year to Out…