Conservative Think Tank WPC is Ambivalent about I-1125

Washington Policy Center is a conservative think-tank that supported I-1053, opposed I-1098, and has in general promoted business interests over workers, the environment, and the middle class. So I was surprised that their Citizens’ Guide to Initiative 1125 is balanced (presents both sides of the issue).   WPC seems to be leaving it up to the…

Seattle Town Hall Saturday 5 pm: Lawrence Lessig, "The Corruption of Congress" and …

Saturday, October 22nd – 5 PM. Lawrence Lessig, “The Corruption of Congress” Seattle Town Hall (downstairs hall; entrance on Seneca). 1119 – 8th Ave, Seattle 98101 (8th & Seneca) (tickets $5 – in advance or at the door) Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig is nationally acclaimed for speaking out in favor of campaign finance reform,…

Public Bank forum at UW, Wed, October 26, 7:00 PM, with Ellen Brown and Rep. Bob Hasegawa

Public Bank Forum Featuring Ellen Brown,  Author of The Web of Debt   Rep. Bob Hasegawa , Chair of the House Infrastructure Financing Task Force Learn how having a state-owned public bank in Washington will help create thousands of jobs, support education and fund infrastructure projects Wed, October 26, 7:00pm 6:30 doors open 120 Kane Hall,…

A catchy symbol for the Occupy movement

The Occupy movement should adopt an easily recognizable, catchy symbol — such as a red/white/blue ribbon with “99%”. It can then be displayed everywhere: on trees, hanging from overpasses, etc. Another idea: a tricorne hat (three-cornered hat), with the three corners being peace, fairness (fair taxation, economic justice), and good government (an end to corruption),…