Government is Good: An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution

The Government is Good website has announced that their book Government is Good: An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution is now available in paperback form and as an ebook. Why a book defending government? Because for decades, right-wing forces in this country have engaged in a relentless and irresponsible campaign of vicious government bashing….

Resolution Supporting H.J.RES.90 and S.J.RES.33

WHEREAS H.J.RES.90 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on 11/18/2011 by Rep Theodore E. Deutch [ D – FL-19], and WHEREAS H.J.RES.90 is titled “Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to expressly exclude forprofit corporations from the rights given to natural persons by the Constitution of the United States,…

Why support Bradley Manning?

(From: Gini Paulsen <>) The Bradley Manning Legal Team is gearing up for the start of Court Proceedings beginning probably at the end of this October. What did  Bradley Manning reveal by leaking information? 1.   There is an official policy to ignore torture in Iraq. 2.   US officials were told to cover up evidence of child abuse…

Court challenge filed against I-1053

The Olympian reported in July: I-1053: Filers say initiative violates state constitution, endangers education The League of Education Voters and several House Democrats filed a lawsuit Monday [July, 25, 2011] in King County to challenge the voter-approved two-thirds legislative vote requirement for tax increases. They say the limit in Initiative 1053 violates the state constitution…

Resolution to cut corporate tax breaks instead of cutting school funding or increasing sales taxes

Whereas the State Revenue shortfall for the current biennium is now about $2 billion and may rise to over $3 billion by June 2012 and Whereas Governor Gregoire has proposed increasing the sales tax which would increase taxes on our poor and middle class by $500 million per year and Whereas our State already has…

Report on SOS Occupy the Capitol

December 1, Olympia. Day four of protests against proposed budget cuts at the special legislative session. Services Employees International Union (SEIU) and Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) sponsored today’s events. Although there were about 200 unionists in attendance, there was not the swarm of unionists about the capitol campus. The multi-generational SOS contingent included…

On The Question Of Virginity, Or, “Starter? I Can’t Make Her Stop!”

I got a weird little story about my friend Blitz Krieger to bring to you today. He’s had a crazy car problem, he has, and over the past few months he thought he had found a solution – in fact, he thought he had found the solution of his dreams – but in the end,…