Urgent Action: Contact legislators to pass S.B. 6310 and HB 2434 to establish Washington Investment Trust, ie. State Bank
If you’re in the districts of Steve Hobbs (the 44th) or Mary Margaret Haugen (the 10th), please contact your legislators and ask them support SB 6310, the bill to create a Washington Investment Trust (state bank). Steve Hobbs  D (44th LD) steve.hobbs@leg.wa.gov   (360) 786-7686, District Office: (425) 334-2092 Mary Margaret Haugen D (10th LD) marymargaret.haugen@leg.wa.gov   (360)…
Darcy Burner and Roger Goodman shine at MDC candidates forum
Yesterday evening the Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle held a Forum for First Congressional District Candidates at Seattle City Hall. Six candidates spoke, five Democrats (Darcy Burner, Suzan DelBene, Roger Goodman, Darshan Rauniyar, and Laura Ruderman) and one Republican (James Watkins). They are vying to fill the Congressional seat now held by Jay Inslee, who…
Interviews with Rocky Anderson, candidate for Pres on the Justice Party ticket
https://www.voterocky.org/node/14 The Jan 17 interview is good. Anderson says the right things. Reminds me, in fact, of some of the things that Pres. Obama said. But one gets the sense that Anderson really means it. Could he even pull it off if, somehow, he got elected? In November if the election seems close in Washington…
Supreme Court Building Covered in Giant Dollar Signs
From The Other 98%
State Bank hearings for SB 6310 on Wed Jan 25 1:30PM, HB 2434 on Thursday 8AM in Olympia
SB 6310 – Wednesday, January 25 at 1:30 p.m. Senate Committee on Financial Institutions and Housing & Insurance Senate Hearing Room 2. J.A. Cherberg Building, Olympia, WA H.B. 2434, to establish Washington Investment Trust, Thursday, January 26, 8 a.m. House Hearing Room B, John L. O’Brian Building, State Capitol campus, Olympia If you are unable…
Winning Alternatives to Sales Tax: Thurs 7pm Seattle
Sisters Organize for Survival meeting: Winning Alternatives to Sales Tax As the Washington state legislature battles out the budget crisis, Governor Gregoire tells the public that elected officials’ choices are either to make cuts in education and human services or increase sales tax. Not true! New York state legislators raised the tax bracket for the…
Link: Freshman Democrats Introduce 1 Percent Income Tax Proposal
Freshman Democrats Introduce 1 Percent Income Tax Proposal http://publicola.com/2012/01/05/freshman-democrats-introduce-1-percent-income-tax-proposal/
Tortured history of attempts at establishing an income tax in WA State
HistoryLink.org’s Washington State Taxation
Creating Public Banks, an interview with John Repp & Cindy Cole
The following pdf file explains How the Washington Investment Trust would Create Thousands of Jobs. Please contact your legislators (especially your state senators) and the governor and ask them to support the public bank bill.
Who increased the debt?
But I bet if you asked the public, most people would say that Democrats are more responsible for debt. The GOP is better at propaganda and slogans.