What is our Strategy to Create Change?
Then we can step back and talk about the tactics to make change happen. I have been somewhat fixated on the controversy about the black bloc, the whole diversity of tactics debate since the Chris Hedges cancer of black bloc challenge. My friend Austin Kelley sent along an interesting link this morning that makes the…
Rocky Anderson at UW calls for rejection of 'lesser-of-two-evils-ism'
Rocky Anderson spoke last night at University Methodist Church near UW in Seattle on his third-party bid for Presidency. Photos courtesy of Andy Kern. Anderson, former mayor of Salt Lake City, is running under the banner of the Justice Party, which he formed last November. So far only Mississippi has officially recognized the Justice Party…
Republican war on …
GOP War on Women
Washington Legislators with ALEC Ties
ALEC Politicians – SourceWatch Washington Legislators with ALEC Ties House of Representatives Rep. Jan Angel (R-26), ALEC State Chairman[21] and Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force Member Rep. Matt Shea (R-4)[19], ALEC Civil Justice Task Force Member Rep. Gary C. Alexander (R-20), ALEC Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force Member Rep. Troy Kelley (D-28), ALEC Public Safety and Elections Task Force Member – Rep. Kelley did…
May Day General Strike
Code Pink says: Spring is here! Time to rise up! Join a May Day action near you Invite your friends to join you: Send anE- Postcard of Janet’s Call to Strike! Print out our Strike Solidarity sign and hang in a public place: Color | Black & White Because war criminals go on book tours…
Ralph Nader endorses Rocky Anderson; reminder about May 3 speech in Seattle
Recently, I sent a list of potential endorsers to Rocky Anderson and urged him to go after some of them. Â After Nader’s name, I wrote “what the heck!” Well, Rocky met Ralph Nader in Portland and got an endorsement. Â Check out the generosity of Ralph’s comments on CBS! Â It’s wonderful to see discussion about…
Medicare for None?
(Note: Martha Koester contributed much of the content of this posting.) Lots of progressives want single-payer healthcare: Medicare for All. But if the Democrats don’t shape up and if Republicans get their way, we may soon have Medicare for None. March 2011: House Republicans vote to replace Medicare with coupons that give you a discount on…
A chat with Karen Porterfield, who is running for US Congress in the 8th CD
At the 41st Legislative District Caucus meeting today, I spoke with Karen Porterfield, who is running for US Congress in the newly redistricted 8th Congressional District. The new 8th CD extends from the eastern Seattle suburbs to Wenatchee in central Washington. (See the Washington State Redistricting Commissions maps.) Here is her campaign website: http://www.karenporterfield4congress.com/ (though…
Save Social Security by Scrapping the Cap: video from Highline CC event
The Social Security Works Washington coalition is educating young and old folks about the importance of the Social Security System and how one simple fix will ensure EVERYONE will benefit from this vital social program. By balancing the amount everyone contributes – Scrapping the Cap – the social insurance will continue for many generations. Rep.…