Starve the Beast
Apparent source: The Christian Left. That list of nasty things Republicans have done could be extended.
Dan Rather criticizes mainstream media, defends his "Bush went AWOL" story
Rather discusses with Bill Maher the politically motivated attacks on his story that charged Bush with having gone AWOLÂ Rather also discusses media consolidation. “To put it bluntly, very big business is in bed with very big government in Washington and has more to do with what the average person sees, hears, and reads than…
Social justice groups to protest at Amazon company meeting, Thurs. May 24
Working Washington and Fuse Washington are planning a Rally outside Amazon’s shareholder meeting Thurs, May 24, 8:30-9:30am Seattle Art Museum 1300 First Avenue, downtown Seattle meet at the Hammering Man “Amazon is a member of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a shadowy corporate front group that writes bills for conservative legislators across the country.” Amazon…
Tim Noah: The Great Divergence-Web (May 16, 2012)
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots, with the top 1% collecting some 21 percent of the nation’s income. Tim Noah, author of The Great Divergence (based on his award-winning series of articles in Slate), calls this potentially the country’s most important change during our lifetimes; he…
Do it yourself!
Welcome to the DIY generation Obama seems to have transformed the cohort of 18- to 29-year-olds, a whopping 66% of whom preferred him over John McCain, from passionate voters who thought Obama really did offer change they could believe in, into people feeling, in the words of veteran political analyst Charlie Cook, “disappointment and disillusionment.”…
Report on meeting about progressive coalition building, with Rocky Anderson
Saturday afternoon I attended a meeting on “Progressive Coalition Building – 2012 and Beyond” at Green Lake library in Seattle. The meeting was organized by supporters of Rocky Anderson, who is running for President under the auspices of the Justice Party. Anderson spoke by Skype for the first 45 minutes. (Impressively clear audio and video!)…
Help progressive champion Normon Solomon get in office
Help PDA member Normon Solomon in his bid for Congress. Contact Mike Fox, PDA National Phone Bank Coordinator mikefox@pdamerica.org, 727-320-4502
Museum of Accountability
(Three years ago I worked on this project. I want to revive it. What do you think?) Summary:Â Injustice, corruption and mismanagement are rampant in America, both inside and outside government. Congress and the Executive Branch generally don’t police themselves or each other, because both too often serve corrupt special interests. Nor have the Courts…
McCain and Whitehouse take on Citizens United – POLITICO.com
McCain and Sheldon Whitehouse working together to rein in Citizen’s United — who knew? Go Montana! It’s not over until only people have the rights of people, and we get the money out of electoral politics. http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-congress/2012/05/mccain-and-whitehouse-take-on-citizens-united-123886.html