AlterNet: Why Cory Booker and Corporate Friendly Dems Who Fear Attacking Wall Street Are a Big Problem for Dem
Why Cory Booker and Corporate Friendly Dems Who Fear Attacking Wall Street Are a Big Problem for Democrats
Flow chart to help Washington State Voters Decide Whether to Support Tim Eyman Initiatives
Living Greedy: closing WA tax loopholes The Solution: Close Tax Loopholes Time to Close Corporate Tax Loopholes to Save Jobs, On Inslee’s claim that no new taxes are needed to fund education The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like) The Rich Evade Taxes and We End Up Paying Their Share Stockman:…
A very positive weekend for Darcy Burner and for the Progressive Caucus
On Friday, June 1, the Washington State Progressive Caucus met at the Convention Center and had the largest turnout ever – with nearly 200 delegates attending our caucus. The room was packed and included 50 delegates who joined the Progressive Caucus for the first time. At the meeting, the Progressive Caucus endorsed Darcy Burner, the…
Northwest Extraction Resistance Workshop: Spokane, June 8 & 9
Northwest Extraction Resistance Workshop Spokane, WA June 8 & 9, 2012 Workshop Location: Salem Lutheran Church Youth Center 1428 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington Workshop Schedule & Registration form HERE. Donate to support this effort HERE. Backbone is partnering with our Rising Tide, Forest Ethics and other allies to produce a workshop in Spokane, WA…
Why no thinking, caring person should subscribe to the Seattle Times
Today’s Seattle Times reports: The Seattle Times editorial board supports Initiative 1053, the two-thirds rule for raising state taxes, and disagrees with Judge Bruce Heller’s ruling against it: State Supreme Court should support I-1053, the two-thirds tax rule This is why no thinking, caring person should subscribe to the Seattle Times (or patronize businesses that…
Progressive Caucus endorses Darcy Burner for 1st CD
Yesterday the Washington State Progressive Caucus overwhelmingly endorsed Darcy Burner for the (new) 1st CD Congressional race. In a crowded field of Democratic candidates, Burner stands out as the most progressive, with the biggest name recognition, the most experience running for (if not winning) national office. and the most organized campaign. Moreover, a recent poll …
Poll in hot 1st CD House race: Koster, Burner ahead
The Seattle P-I reports Poll in hot House race: Koster, Burner ahead “He’s a Tea Party champion, and Republican John Koster appears to be the hottest candidate in the contest for the open U.S. House seat in the radically redrawn 1st Congressional District. The Snohomish County Councilman is at 46 percent in a new KING-5/Survey…
ABC: Bill Clinton criticizes Obama’s Bain attacks, praises Romney’s ‘sterling business career’
How weird can it get? Bill Clinton criticizes Obama’s Bain attacks, praises Romney’s ‘sterling business career’
Nuns criticize the Vatican's conservativism
Nuns Speak About Vatican Criticism US nuns are criticizing the Vatican for its obsession with abortion and gay marriage, for its disinterest in social justice, and for its sexist mistreatment of women.