More on the Divided Left
On progressive blogs and email lists, there is continual debate about whether to work within, or outside of, the Democratic Party.  I suffer through (and often participate in) such debates. People who have given up on the Democratic Party say the Party leaders will always betray you; you’ll always be outmaneuvered or thrown under the bus. …
GOP Strategy
apparent author: Keith Duncan
Bill Maher: Occupy Movement should get involved in electoral politics!
Bill Maher hits the nail on the head again. He mercilessly and constructively criticizes the Occupy Movement for not getting more involved in electoral politics. “Instead of organizing interstate hootenannies, maybe it’s time for Occupy Wall Street to actually participate in the American political process. That means, boring stuff like canvassing neighborhoods, raising money, running…
Karen Porterfield speaks to Sammamish MoveOn Group
This afternoon the Sammamish/Issaquah MoveOn group met at beautiful Sammamish Public Library. The featured guest was 8th Congressional District candidate Karen Porterfield. Porterfield, who received the endorsement of the Washington State Democrats at the state convention last week, said she’s not accepting PAC money and is limiting individual donations to $500 max. She speaks intelligently…
Labor Notes: Why Did So Many Workers Vote for Walker?
From LaborNotes.org: … We progressive labor people might smugly shake our heads and ask, how can these people vote against their own interests? While some of them are serious cultural conservatives or racists, probably a majority legitimately see themselves as actually voting in their own self interest. People struggling to get by on $12-15 an…
Why you need to lose Social Security and Medicare
To pay for tax cuts for billionaires, perpetual wars, a military budget larger than that of the next largest 10 countries combined, subsidies for Big Oil, welfare for Wall Street banks, hedge fund managers’ tax breaks, the lowest overall tax rates in decades, capital gains tax rates lower than earned income tax rates, rampant corruption,…
Rocky for President
“It should be no surprise that when rich men take control of the government, they pass laws that are favorable to themselves. The surprise is that those who are not rich vote for such people, even though they should know from bitter experience that the rich will continue to rip off the rest of us…
JCPenney deserves your business
JCPenney stood up for gay rights!
Judge’s ruling on initiative boosts our democracy
Every student learns the American mantra from their teachers and parents: work hard, play by the rules, and you’ll have a chance to get ahead. This month’s crop of graduating high school seniors is powerful evidence that Washington’s students do step up to their responsibilities. But we (voters and legislators alike) have defaulted on our…
Inspire Seattle June 16: J Street's role in promoting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
InspireSeattle Invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum: Saturday, June 16th at 6:30PM. Main discussion topic for this evening:  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: J Street’s role in promoting a two-state solution The United States and Israel are historic allies with strong ties who continue to search for ways to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict…