Violcence-lovers taking over some Occupy groups
The Occupy Wall Street facebook page http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt1 seems to have been hijacked by violence-loving Black Bloc members (or by infiltrators pretending to be such). I often see postings glorifying violence: images of protesters breaking windows or fighting police, with captions like “USA, GET SOME GREEK SPIRIT!” (See this image, for example.) This is bad news…
It's the Climate, Stupid.
The economy is a financial shadow of the state of the physical world. Economics is simply one way of measuring certain activity here on a small planet on a spiral arm of a somewhat non-descript galaxy in the known universe. There are lots of planets, rocks, planetoids, stars, dust motes in the universe that appear…
Lowering the Cost and Increasing Access to Health Care for All
According to our Insurance Commission, there are at least one million people in our State – including more than 100,000 children without adequate access to health care. Even for those with heath care, the cost has skyrocketed thanks to deregulation of the health care industry.  US health care costs are nearly triple what they…
Raising alarms about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): worse than NAFTA
America: A Fire Sale to Foreign Corporations The leaked document reveals that the trade agreement would give unprecedented political authority and legal protection to foreign corporations. Specifically, TPP would (1) severely limit regulation of foreign corporations operating within U.S. boundaries, giving them greater rights than domestic firms, (2) extend incentives for U.S. firms to move …
Why Negative Political Attack Ads Work: 5 in 10 Americans Can’t Read, 8 in 10 Can’t Process
“Negative political ads work. A majority of Americans form political opinions from ads in their entertainment programming. 51% of the adult population of the United States is barely functionally literate. 94% have varying degrees of difficulty “synthesizing†complicated concepts.” Click here to read the article.
Fighting for the Message: Liberal Guerrillas Need to Work on “Left Hookâ€
We’ve heard it all before, over and over and over again: “Obama’s a Kenyan/Moslem/Socialist who’s bent on taking away our liberty/guns/free market by encouraging illegal immigration/building secret FEMA detention camps/wielding unconstitutional executive powers!†Those Americans who actually take the time to become informed instead of inhaling viral conservative emails, absorbing Fox News propaganda, and plugging…
Dummies Guide to Microsoft's Nevada Tax Dodge
Microsoft Tax Dodge has published its Dummies Guide to Microsoft’s Nevada Tax Dodge, a great, informative article. Here’s how it starts: In 1997, Microsoft et al. lobbied to reduce Washington State’s Royalty Tax from 1.5% to .5%, a threefold reduction. This wasn’t low enough. The company decided to open a small Reno, Nevada office to…
The Public Bank Movement is Gaining Steam
To find out more go to wapublicbankproject.org or publicbankinginstitute.org.
Physicians call for Medicare for All
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 28, 2012 Contacts:, James Squire, MD, PNHPWW President, 206-465-6340; David McLanahan, MD, PNHPWW Coordinator, 206-963-6534 COURT UPHOLDS “OBAMACARE,†BUT THOUSANDS OF UNINSURED WA RESIDENTS WILL STILL GO BANKRUPT, SUFFER AND DIE In the wake of the Supreme Court decision, Obama and Congress must act now to implement ‘an improved Medicare for all,’ physician…