Electronic vote counting increasingly by global private vendors

A press release July 20th about the planned expansion of Unisyn into more USA locations renews attention on foreign ownership of corporations selling voting systems into the United States. Unisyn is owned by a Malaysian gambling outfit. Another major elections industry player, Canada’s Dominion, purchased the massive Diebold Election Systems division (which it shares with…

Government doesn't take away your freedoms; corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations do

Arguments against libertarianism Regressives (aka “conservatives”) say that guns don’t kill, people do. So, despite the many deaths caused by easy access to guns, most regressives continue to oppose gun control, even for rapid-fire weapons. And they’re willing to pay for guns, because they think guns serve a valuable purpose. On the other hand, regressives…

Lord, forgive me

No matter which way you vote, it sucks. Romney is worse, but not by that much. It may be reasonable to vote third-party and allow this election to go to Romney. It would teach the Dems a lesson so that in the future they don’t betray progressives. But the costs would be very high. See…

GOP economic plan: take America back…to the Middle Ages

Credits:  http://sinisterdreams.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/reaganomics.jpg Related topics Bush recession Romney economic plan Obama economic plan Reaganomics trickle down economics class warfare According to the obfuscations of mainstream corporate media, neither President Barack Obama nor former governor Willard “Mitt” Romney has laid out a coherent economic plan for the thoughtful consideration of American voters. Huh? President Obama’s blueprint for…