Inspire Seattle meeting Jan 12: Establishing New Partnerships to Save Our Forests
The pine bark beetle has long been a natural part of mountain ecosystems in the southwestern United States. Â Normally these insects play an important role in the life of a forest, attacking old and weakened trees, allowing for renewal by younger trees. Â However, mild winters and hot, dry summers have led to infestations that have…
How the Chained CPI is a stealth cut to Social Security benefits
The Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) has published a brief on one of the proposed changes to Social Security under the “fiscal cliff†deal – this one known as the “Chained CPI.†The Chained CPI is a bit complex, but here’s the bottom line: it would cut benefits for Social Security recipients by shrinking…
Panetta: We Need to Cut DOD Budget
During a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., [Defense Secretary] Panetta said lawmakers should take out about $74 billion in “needless†spending on weapons that “have outlived their usefulness.†– from Panetta: We Need to Cut DOD Budget But our leaders in D.C. instead want to cut Social Security. Don’t put up…
Armed guards in schools?
The answer to gun violence is more guns? Columbine High School Had Armed Guards During Massacre In 1999. As others have said, how odd that so-called conservatives are calling for more government policemen.
Note to Incumbents on Social Security
Interested in re-election in 2014? You can pack your bags for home if you vote for the chained CPI. It doesn’t matter what party: if you are a Democrat, the Republican candidate will hammer you for cutting Social Security. And if you are a Republican, the Democratic candidate will hammer you for cutting Social Security.…
Urgent! Call our Senators about the 2013 Defense Authorization bill
Last Friday I met with our Senators Washington DC staff via video-conference as a member of a delegation of faith, union and NGO leaders. Our goal was to convey to our Senators a desire to sustain Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all safety net programs and make cuts to the military budget. This request was met with a positive…
Ring in the New Year with Northwest rabble-rousers!
Monday, December 31, 8:30pm A Rebellious New Years Eve Celebration: Sweep the Globe Clean in 2013! Make the scene at the red-hot spot for activist movers and shakers!·        Sumptuous Northern Italian Feast (menu below) ·        Dancing ·        A Riotous Year-in-Review ·        Party favors ·        No-host bar with cocktails and champagne New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier…
Unacceptable!!! Americans want Social Security, not endless wars and giveaways to the rich
Images from RebuildTheDream
Breaking news: Obama will cut Social Security, largely spare the Pentagon, and retain many Bush era tax cuts
The New York Times is reporting that President Obama will cut Social Security, largely spare the Pentagon, and retain many Bush tax cuts: a grand betrayal. President Delivers a New Offer on the Fiscal Crisis to Boehner. The plan would cut $122 billion by “adopting a new measure of inflation that slows the growth of…