Imagine if everyone was this passionate about things that actually matter
Source: The Mind Unleashed.
On the effort to eliminate tax giveaways
The state in the current biennium budget period gave out 176 tax breaks for B&O taxes totaling some $7.5 billion while collecting only $6.5 billion in revenue. The exemptions were 54% of the potential tax base. When an exemption is given it means that a tax shift occurs so the responsibility falls on someone else.…
Sickening: Why Walt Disney World and Olive Garden are exactly the wrong places to take your family
Walt Disney World and Darden Restaurants (which owns restaurant chains like Olive Garden and Red Lobster) both have happy-looking public faces regarding the health of the people they employ. But behind the scenes, they’re doing everything they can to deny people working in Florida the right to earn basic benefits like paid sick days on…
K12 INC costs the jobs of 10,000 teachers in the US – including 500 here in Washington State
We should offer our students better and more reliable online educational opportunities, but … Online education has tremendous potential to help some students in some situations. But online education also requires very careful oversight to insure that our students are being served and that our tax dollars are being well spent. Recently there have been…
Drones, the C.I.A., and Pakistan
Bush oversaw forty-eight drone strikes in Pakistan during his two terms. Since 2009, Obama as authorized more than three hundred. In Mazetti’s telling, CIA leaders repeatedly pushed Obama for more expansive authority to used armed drones. They got their way in almost every instance. … Munter soon discovered that, under President Obama, “it was what…
Chuck Thompson: Let the South Secede (video)
One can only imagine the humiliation it must be that a black man is in the White House for all those bigoted rubes who were the target of Nixon’s divide and rule “Southern strategy”. This strategy not only played a big role in getting him elected but has been the central pillar of Republican rule…
It’s critical to pay for early learning
My daughter is really good with little kids. She can really get them to open up. She engages with them – about who they are, what they want to do, what they could do. These are some of the qualities of a good early childhood teacher. Child-care teaching is one of the most important professions,…
Fighting for single-payer healthcare: Dr. Milstein vs. the naked emperor
When it comes to the current health care system here in America, Dr. Jerrold Milstein relishes repeating his mantra, “The emperor has no clothes!†A strong supporter of the Affordable Health Care Act, or “ObamaCare†as right-wing conservatives derisively call it, Dr. Milstein is convinced that “once people realize they’ll be getting better care…resistance will…
House Paves Stronger Path to Economic Security than Senate
Part three in a series: “Special Legislative Session: The Big Picture.†At a time when children and families need job training, affordable housing and other economic supports the most, Washington state’s investment in economic security over the last few years has decreased dramatically. The recession took a huge toll on Washingtonians – today over 900,000…
J.P. Morgan versus Jeremy Griffin
(Comment by Stephen, SAFE volunteer) The Consummate American Capitalist John Pierpont “J.P.†Morgan was the founder of the Wall Street commercial/investment bank J.P. Morgan Co., known a century ago as the “House of Morgan.†He had his hand in the birth of General Electric, US Steel, International Harvester, AT&T, and the entire US railroad industry.…