Darcy Burner played a big role in fixing the Senate filibuster
Virtually Speaking reports that Washington State’s Darcy Burner played an important role in Harry Reid’s move to fix the Senate filibuster. Click here to hear filibuster experts Joan McCarter and David Waldman’s analysis. Listen from 10:30 to hear the discussion of Darcy’s role. Here’s an excerpt: To me Darcy Burner was instrumental in moving us…
Lobbying Olympia for Fair Taxes
Steve Zemke and I went to Olympia on Friday and met, briefly or longer, with about a dozen legislators, including Maralyn Chase, Bob Hasegawa, Gayle Tarleton, Frank Chopp, Reuven Carylye, Cindy Ryu, Joe Fitzgibbon, Judy Clibborn, and Tana Senn. We spoke about tax fairness and accountability for tax loopholes. We had in-depth discussions with a…
On reinventing Democratic politics
At last night’s meeting of the 41st LD Democrats there was a discussion about how to attract more people to become PCOs and about how to get more existing PCOs to attend meetings and work on campaigns. The discussion began with the question: what’s the purpose of the 41st LD Dems? One guy said: to…
Tax-break Boeing needs to get to work
So how about that $8.7 billion tax give-away Boeing just received to build the 777X? We have been here before. In 2003, the Legislature excused Boeing from $4 billion in taxes, in order to build the 787 in our state. What happened to that $4 billion? Over $1 billion was used to construct a copycat…
Trade Talks Open In Utah, Secrecy Spurs Protests
By Tom Harvey, www.sltrib.com Above photo:Â (Jim McAuley | The Salt Lake Tribune) Bill Moyer, executive director of the Backbone Campaign, and Raphael Cordray of the Utah Tar Sands Resistance speak to demonstrators gathered to protest the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, November 19, 2013. Note: The…
Resolution in support of fixing Washington State's unfair tax system
WHEREAS, Washington State relies on the sales tax, the Business & Occupation Tax, and property taxes to fund state government (see A Citizen’s Guide to the Washington State Budget); WHEREAS, sales taxes are regressive — meaning that the middle class and the poor pay a higher proportion of their income in sales tax than do…
Westlake Rally Tuesday 5PM, march to City Hall Wed morning
Tomorrow (Tuesday) Occupy CEHKC (the Campaign to End Homelessness in King County) is having a rally in Westlake Plaza downtown Seattle from 5PM to 7PM. Members of SAFE will be attending as part of the coalition. Some will be occupying Westlake for the night. Wednesday morning at 7:30AM members of Occupy CEHKC will march to…
Stop the Revolving Door for Monsanto: Sign the Credo petition
UPDATED – OVER 75,000 100,000 SIGNATURES! Whoo-Hoo! Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln couldn’t say “No” to corporate money when she was in office and the same is true now. A longtime mouthpiece for WalMart, JPMorgan-Chase, and champion of the KeystoneXL pipeline, Blanche Lincoln is now reunited with another old Senate campaign sponsor, Monsanto. She needs to live…