Obama gave a priceless gift to the GOP: immunity from prosecution for war crimes, torture, disastrous wars, politically motivated prosecutions by the Justice Department, widespread corruption, and other criminality.
In 2008, it appeared that the GOP was destined for many years of repudiation. They’d proven themselves corrupt, incompetent, and imperialistic.
But Obama nursed the GOP back to life by refusing to prosecute criminality, thereby hiding the wrongdoing from the American people.  Obama tried to be bipartisan. He compromised early and often. The GOP almost never compromised and often voted unanimously against the Democrats’ bills.
Obama had a chance to reorient America to a new paradigm of Democratic progressivism. Instead, he hid Bush-era criminality from the populace; surrounded himself with Bush holdovers and Wall Street cronies; prosecuted the whistle blowers; expanded the power of the military, and governed as a centrist. Obama didn’t fight. As a result, in 2010 and 2014 the GOP roared back to life.  Americans were confused about who was to blame for the mess we’re in.
Indeed, Obama is a Wall Street Dem and a great friend of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA.
In 2008 we needed an FDR or at least an LBJ. Instead we got a centrist Dem who said of himself, “My policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies … back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.â€
No wonder people didn’t turn out to vote in 2014.
From 2009 onwards I tried to submit resolutions to local Democratic organizations critical of Obama’s sellouts. As you can imagine, those resolutions didn’t go over very well. “Are you crazy? Are you trying to help the GOP?”
There are those who would say that impeachment of Bush, Cheney and others would have been too divisive and would have led to a backlash against Democrats similar to what happened in 1999 when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton. The analogy doesn’t hold. Clinton was impeached for (lying about) sex. Bush and Cheney could have been impeached for torture, deception about the grounds for invading Iraq, and other crimes. See Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment.
In 2007,  members of the Washington State legislature were working on bills calling for the impeachment of President Bush. Senator Patty Murray ordered them to stop. See D.C. Dems want to stop legislative impeachment talk.
During the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas, there were women aside from Anita Hill who were willing to testify that Thomas had sexually harassed them. Then Senator Joe Biden did not allow the women to testify. See The Injustice Of Clarence Thomas.
Well, the Democratic leadership got the shellacking they deserved. They don’t fight the good fight. Unfortunately, millions of grassroots Dems are truly progressive but repeatedly get sold out by the leadership.
It all makes me sick.