Washington Liberals

Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Make Us Sick! — march and rally Thursday in Seattle

Working Washington is holding a march and rally: Thursday, August 30th 11 AM, Corner of Boren and James, (RSVP to the right)

Rally and March from Seattle’s historic First Hill neighborhood to McKenna’s International District Office
Thursday, August 30th 11 AM
Corner of Boren and James
(RSVP to the right)

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan back a federal budget that ends Medicare as we know it in order to fund tax cuts for the 1%. Meanwhile, Rob McKenna is proposing a state budget that would drastically reduce Medicaid services for seniors and the disabled while keeping corporate tax loopholes in place.

These radical proposals would slash services to the people who need them most and eliminate thousands of jobs — while protecting special tax benefits for the richest 1%.

We Need Jobs, Not Cuts!

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