Washington Liberals

McDermott, Dosanjh to Speak at NWroots

The NWroots Conference for progressives on July 9th, in Pioneer Square, is now accepting online registrations. NWroots is an opportunity for local writers, readers, activists, elected officials, and progressive candidates to meet in person. The event will feature panels, public officials, a candidates’ social, keynote addresses, documentary screenings, and workshops.

A strong line-up of speakers, presenters, panelists and politicians is being assembled. Former Canadian Health Minister, former member of Parliament, and former Premier of British Columbia Ujjal Dosanjh will close out the morning general session. Mr. Dosanjh will speak on the topic of universal health care for all.

U.S. Congressman Jim McDermott will speak during the afternoon general session.

Tony Ventrella is putting together a media panel to discuss what the hell ever happened to journalism.

University of Washington graduate and “dreamer”, Alonso Chehade, will talk about the Dream Act and his quest to gain the right to remain and work in the U.S.

Agriculture expert, activist, and author Jill Richardson will host sessions on our messed up food system, and the Monsanto worldwide influence on agriculture.

Bev Harris will lead a session on the perils and inherent flaws with electronic voting.

Karen Pooley is going to tackle the ongoing mortgage crisis.

Breakout sessions/panel discussions on Unions and single payer health care are in the works.

The all-day conference will be held at Swannies Comedy Underground in Pioneer Square. Buffet breakfast and registration is 7:30 – 8:30 AM. Lunch is at Fx McRory’s. The after-party is at The Central Saloon starting at 5:30 PM.

Breakfast and lunch are included in the registration price of $50.00 ($25 students).

For more information, comments, or suggestions, please contact Robert Sargent at (425) 941-3134 (sarge@onthepress.com).

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