Washington Liberals

King County Dems Legislative Action Day: Feb 20th

We are more than halfway through the short 60-day election-year legislative session, which is scheduled to end March 8th. Whether or not the Legislature will close the $1.4 billion budget gap, and put us on a more sustainable trajectory, is a tossup. Clearly, it’s time to trek to Olympia and make our opinions known, especially on issues of taxes, closing loopholes and raising revenue.Calling on all Democrats: please grab your hats and coats and join King County Democrats Legislative Action Committee for our Lobby Day in Olympia.

 King County Democrats Lobby DayPresident’s Day, Monday February 20th

Register here
10:30 a.m. registration – 1:30 p.m.,Washington Room, Lower Level, Pritchard Bldg.,
Capitol campus, across from the sundial,

followed by your appointments with your legislators
between 1:45 and 4:30 p.m.

(please call them ASAP and report to Sarajane!)

(followed by WSDCC Crab Feed 5 p.m. in Lacey?)


Lobby Day $20 registration includes materials and box lunch.Please register here, now, so we can plan meals and carpools.
Register now!


After you register, please email Sarajane Siegfriedt, LAC Chair,

with your Legislative District 



Here’s where you will find our 2012 Legislative Agenda

Why should I come?

Coming to Olympia the first time will change your view of the Legislators and who these people are who represent us. Coming again will affirm that they are people who love their jobs and are passionate about our shared values and the bills they sponsor. Our lunch hour and a half consists of giving each legislator who can make it about five minutes to speak about what bills they are still working, and what bills could use our help. It’s an illuminating view of these Democrats at their best. We have also benefited from other elected officials dropping by.Bringing new people to Olympia is a joy. They always remark at how accessible the campus is. It’s easy to walk into a legislator’s office, and constituents always get priority over lobbyists. If they are in session or a committee hearing, sometimes a Legislative Assistant will pull them out for five or 10 minutes, just for you and your group (but pre-arrange this, too). Our legislators are genuinely pleased to see us and to hear our concerns.Appointments are necessary, however, so call 1-800-562-6000 today. They come in 15-minute blocks and everyone from your LD should join to deliver the message of the King County Democrats Legislative Action Agenda, especially raising revenue and ending zombie tax exemptions by sunsetting them. (They live forever!)When you walk into the Legislative Building, there are no guards or metal detectors. The view under the dome is awesome. Go on up to the 4th floor, if you have time, and watch the action in the House or the Senate from the Visitors’ Gallery. Drop by the Governor’s office and leave her a note about what’s important to you today.

Sarajane will keep a running roster of everyone who registers, by District, for carpooling and appointments, so let her know.


Contact Information

Sarajane Siegfriedt, Chair
Legislative Action Committee

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