Seattle Youth March for Generational & Environmental Justice ~ Saturday April 20, 11am to 1pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The next generation deserve a livable planet. Now they are demanding it.
Let’s celebrate this Earth Day by committing ourselves to each other, the beautiful region and planet that sustains us, and future generations. Animate imagery, make music, celebrate youth leadership, the wisdom of the seventh generation principle, and leadership of First Peoples. Bring a small amount of water from your watershed for a Water Blessing led by Idle No More Washington organizer Sweetwater Nannauck. (More details below)
Calling all children, youth, young adults, and the adults who love them:
Join the iMatter Youth March on April 20th at 11am at Steinbrueck Park and a short march to beach near Sculpture Park to help us launch Youth actions for ECOPTOPIA not fossil fuel corridors.
Backbone invites you to Celebrate Earth Day on Saturday April 20th with the march that’s more than a march. It is the launching of a new movement! Join with children, youth and families from all over Puget Sound to demonstrate our commitment to protecting the earth for generations to come.
Be inspired by youth working a across cultures to take a stand. March with giant puppets, transformational imagery, make music, and spend your Earth Day doing something meaningful for the whole family and community. Many artists have helped make this a beautiful, transformative Earth Day power family celebration.
Please don’t miss it!
BACKGROUND: For the past several weeks, volunteer artists have been hard at work creating the art that will bring the march to life. The centerpiece is a “coal train” that will magically transform into a green oasis midway through the march. The children hope to call attention to the proposed Cherry Point coal terminal that is currently being debated as well as to the devastating environmental effects of using coal as a fuel source, no matter where it is burned.
Backbone is proud to have collaborated with Climate Change for Families, Idle No More Washington, Get Money Out of Politics, and the Sierra Club Cascade Chapter to offer this to you.
Additional support has been provided by the Fremont Arts Council and CoolMo