Washington Liberals

Join local Environmental Justice activists Saturday at the Freemont Solstice Parade and HONK! Fest


Beautiful imagery broadcasting our values complete with a giant group sing-along for the Climate


Join the “Procession for Our Future” coal train vs. sustainable energy ensemble in the Fremont Summer Solstice Parade and “Sing for Our Future” flash mob at Honk Fest shortly after the parade ends! See below for detailed information on all of it! Please join in on the fun!

Sign up for the costume/role you want in the parade, and/or to help with the flash mob sing-along here!

imatter youth march better color
Sign up for the costume/role you want in the parade, and/or to sing or help in the Flash Mob here! We need your sign up or RSVPs for the parade (For the flash mob, sign up is helpful, but not necessary.)
“Procession for our Future”
Coal train vs. sustainable energy ensemble
will have a coal train driven by top hatted, skull masked people that transforms into beautiful murals when we implore the audience to help us stop it. There will be windmill and other stilt walkers, and windmill props to carry, solar panel costumes, a tide turbine with people dressed as water making it move, animal masked and otherwise dressed up kids of all ages, unicycling fish, Pogo stick bunnies, beautiful fluttering butterflies, boats, flags and banners, herring and salmon puppets, a Honk Fest Band, singing, and more! You and your families are welcome to join us to create art and to be in the parade! 

NO WORDS, LOGOS, or LETTERS of any kind in the parade including on clothing! Please use your imagination to make a costume like those described on the sign up page so you don’t look like you’re in a march – remember, this is a PARADE – fluttery, sparkly, exaggerated, is good – and all ideas are conveyed through art!
“Sing for Our Future”
There will be a giant flash mob sing-along with hundreds of singers, our Band, the Hubbub Club, and others at the Honk Fest after the parade – gather at 6:00. It will be filmed for the internet and everyone is encouraged to join us for that as well! Here’s an inspirational link to the song:“Do It Now!” (This song will be played/sung each time our train is stopped and transformed from coal to mural in the parade as well.)
More information here: “Sing for Our Future flash mob at Honk Fest on June 22”

Saturday, June 22nd Parade: be there by 1:30. The line-up is at 3rd Av. and 36th/LearyAve. in downtown Fremont. We’ll be the 3rd ensemble so will leave there at 3:00 and have lots to do to set everyone up with props and run the transitions with the band before departure. Bring your costume, water, snacks, sunscreen, sweater, etc. (We have a prop that will carry a bag for you.) It’s important that you sign up so we know what props to bring for you!

Saturday, June 22nd Sing for Our Future flash mob at Honk Festsing-a-long “Do It Now!” between 6:00 and 6:30 (likely at 6:25 for about 3 minutes) at the main Pump House structure stage, at the east end of Gasworks Park (end of parade route) where the Hubbub Club is playing – look for our tall windmills, banners, and other props to locate us.

All ages welcome and youth and families are wanted. Join us!
You can also contact Lisa with questions, or for more information:
Hope to see you soon!
This ensemble is supported in part by a grant from the Fremont Arts Council to create costumes and props. Additional images are being supplied by the Backbone Campaign and local artists.
Check out other great opportunities to get involved in the parade and learn skills here: http://fremontartscouncil.org/



Feel free to contact the Backbone office or Bill at:

o. 206-408-8058 c. 206-356-9980

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