Washington Liberals

Inspire Seattle meeting: Obamacare, Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Health

Inspire Seattle

InspireSeattle invites YOU to join our future socials: 

          Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 6:30pm * 
Main discussion topic for this evening:

Obamacare, Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Health

*To receive InspireSeattle invitations, click here to provide us with an email address.

The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare, a.k.a. ACA) seems to have more lives than a cat, but will the 2014 midterm elections or the 2016 presidential election finally put an end to the madness? Or is this the wrong question to be asking? Is the ACA really just one building block in a much richer story of how the U.S. is beginning to move from a ‘sick care system’ to a true ‘health system’ and in the process leading the way for the rest of the world which is experiencing accelerating rates of obesity, heart disease and rapidly increasing costs?


Guest Speaker:  Dale Jarvis: 

Dale Jarvis, a longtime healthcare consult and West Seattle resident has been working on health reform since George Herbert Walker Bush was planning to fix the healthcare system in this country. (Did you know that 41 had a plan?) Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010, Dale has been involved in health reform projects in 21 states, participating in a yet-to-be told story of how 18% of the American economy is engaged in an enormous transformation project that will affect every citizen – for the better. Dale will be joining us to share his stories and interview us about what a new health ecosystem in the Seattle area might look like.


Dale’s Bio

Dale Jarvis is the founder of Dale Jarvis and Associates LLC, a Seattle-based consulting firm. Dale has extensive experience helping governments, health plans and healthcare providers redesign their organizations to achieve better health for the populations they serve, better care for individuals, and reduced costs. He has contributed articles to publications and is a co-author of two books on healthcare system redesign.  Currently Mr. Jarvis is working with states, counties, and at a national level to help ensure that the health needs of all Americans are addressed as health reform unfolds. You can learn more about Dale at his website: www.djconsult.net.

Come join us for what should be a very important and interesting evening!!!


About InspireSeattle:

InspireSeattle is a progressive network of Seattle-area people sharing ideas and supporting action. InspireSeattle’s vision is to create connection throughout our community and better community through activism. InspireSeattle’s mission is to provide a fun, supportive gathering for people who care deeply about our community, our country and our planet. We embrace progressive policies that improve our society and protect our environment. We discuss current issues, share ideas and activism efforts while striving to inspire additional action. Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to InspireSeattle by visiting www.inspireseattle.org/contact.html.
When:  Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 6:30PM. Please try to be on time!!!

Where:  You will receive an invitation with the location when you provide us with your email address.


It s a potluck:  so please help out and bring something to eat and to drink!

6:30 to 7:45:  Social time!  Eat, drink, relax, and catch up with some other local progressives

Formal discussion and guest speakers, 7:45 to 9:30

Other Announcements  got any?


Rules of Engagement!

1.  So that everyone has a chance to participate, please keep your comments short

2.  Raise one s hand to ask a question in lieu of shouting out

3.  Respect the points of views of others

4.  No arguing of politics during the formal discussion save that for afterwards! 

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