Stand up for publicly funded childcare NOW!
Help build for a Mothers’ Day Parade to demand action for women and kids. Issues include: comprehensive state-funded childcare; justice for Marissa Alexander, an African American mother serving 20 years for self-defense against an abusive spouse; an end to immigration policies that tear families apart; and increasing funds for public schools, jobs and social services by taxing the rich and ending U.S. militarism. Get involved in this action and build a movement for childcare for all who need it!
Saturday, March 30, 2pm
New Freeway Hall,
5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
(In Seattle’s Columbia City neighborhood, one block south of S. Hudson St.) childcare provided.
Sponsored by Sisters Organize for Survival,
a campaign of Radical Women
For more information, call 206-722-6057 • • FaceBook: Sisters Organize for Surviva