Washington Liberals

Free screening of American Winter at Seattle Public Library on Nov 9 at 2PM


You are invited to a FREE screening of the film American Winter on November 9th at Seattle Public Central Library.

Produced and directed by Emmy award-winning filmmakers, Joe and Harry Gantz, American Winter follows the personal stories of families in the Pacific Northwest struggling in the aftermath of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. It shows the reality of poverty in the United States – the richest country on earth – where millions of families struggle to meet their basic needs, and many formerly middle class families now find themselves in financial crisis. Filmed over the course of one winter in Portland, Oregon, American Winter presents a humanizing portrait of the state of our economy as it is playing out in many American families.

Please join us for the film and in promoting this FREE event to your friends, families and contacts. The film will be followed by a discussion.

Saturday, November 9th, 2pm
Seattle Public Central Library – Microsoft Auditorium
1000 Fourth Ave

Free and open to the public. Parking in the Central Library garage will be available for the regular weekend rate of $6. Doors will open at 1:30 pm.

This film event is the first in Real Change’s Economic Justice Film Series. For more information about upcoming films, visit realchangenews.org.

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