Washington Liberals

Derk Kilmer's town hall meetings: ask him about TPP

Sixth CD Representative Derek Kilmer is holding two town halls over the next week. (See dates and locations below.)   If you live in his area, please attend and ask him to oppose TPP, to oppose domestic spying by the NSA, and to oppose tightening sanctions against Iran.

According to  in A List of the Republican “Democrats” Who Fight For Obama’s Secret Trade Deals, And For Wall Street, Washington State Democratic congressmen Rick Larsen, Derek Kilmer, and Denny Heck are among the “Democrats in the House who are not just Members of the NDC  — the New Democrat Coalition — and are “owned by Wall Street.”

Port Orchard Town Hall
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:30pm
Commissioner’s Chambers 619 Division Street
Port Orchard, WA

Tacoma Town Hall
Saturday, February 22, 2014 11am
Commencement Hall
|University of Puget Sound
1500 N Warner St Tacoma, WA

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