A number of local organizations have been working with a couple of members of the Seattle City Council (Mike OBrien and Kshama Sawant) to bring a resolution forward against the TPP (the secret Trade Agreement that corporations are hoping will get fast-tracked very soon by congress). Support was building and a plan was formed to bring the resolution to committee on March 17th and to the full council on March 23rd. BUT this work drew the attention of business interests and the Obama administration and they are now pushing back hard. AS GOES SEATTLE, SO MAY GO THE NATION!
It is time now to make sure Seattle Council members know where we stand on this egregious coup by the multinational corporations over WE THE PEOPLE.
PLEASE CONTACT THEM RIGHT AWAY, and get your family members and friends to do so also. They need to hear from us as soon as possible or the resolution may be dropped!
The message should be that the TPP, negotiated in secret, with no public involvement, has harmful provisions that threaten Seattle’s ability, as well as the State of Washington’s ability, to protect our environment, health, and worker’s rights. This is due to investor state provisions in the TPP that allow multinational corporations to sue governments in secret trade tribunals when they believe a law or regulation harms their profits. Seattle needs to stand up and oppose this attack on our sovereignty.
Here is an easy way to e-mail them: council@seattle.gov.
I ask that you call also. At a minimum, please call the first five. Here are the numbers:
Sally Bagshaw 206 684 8801
Sally Clark 206 684 8802
Jean Godden 206 684 8807
Bruce Harrell 206 684 8804
Tim Burgess 206 684 8806
Tom Rasmussen 206 684 8808
Nick Licata 206 684 8803
Mike O’Brien 206-684 8800
Kshama Sawant 206-684 8016